Class act
The dreams of young people wishing to run off and join the circus have become a step closer, with Circus Oz offering internships to budding Indigenous circus performers. Each year, the internationally-renowned circus company runs a masterclass from which two interns are selected. This year a bunch of talented Indigenous performers attended the Circus Oz […]
Golden Goal
Olympic discus thrower Benn Harradine has been selected to represent Australia at the London Olympics in July 2012. He’s determined to stand on the winner’s podium and has gold firmly in his sights. Benn began to make a name for himself in discus after fighting his way through to the final at the 2006 Melbourne […]
Life in the Fast Lane
Patrick Johnson has just arrived at the Gadigal Information Service office in Redfern, Sydney, for a live interview with Deadly Vibe on the ‘Black Gold’ sports radio program. The location is literally a stone’s throw from where he works: the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA) at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence. Patrick has […]
A marathon effort
“Not everyone can run a marathon because it takes a bit of ticker.” That was the advice from the former world-champ marathon runner Robert de Castella as he was mentoring and training Charlie Maher to run in last year’s New York Marathon. The Northern Territory Thunder footballer was one of a small group of athletes […]
Benn Harradine – London Calling
Benn Harradine is on top of the world after winning Gold at the Delhi Games, and thanks to a new mental approach, believes even greater achievements are on the horizon. “When I walked into the circle, I felt invincible. I really felt that no one is going to take this away from me. This is […]
Running for good health
If you’re getting bored with walking or are too busy to exercise, why not include some running in your fitness program for faster results in a shorter time? Our bodies are built for high-energy output The human body is an amazing machine that is built for movement. Before the great scientific and technological advancements of […]
Patrick Johnson
In 2003, the fastest sprinter in the world was Patrick Johnson, who ran 100 metres in 9.93 seconds – the world record at that time. He remains the first ever non-African person to hold the world record. These days Patrick is in training for the 100m and 200m sprints for the 2010 Commonwealth Games in […]
Fit at the core (Core Strength)
Power starts at the centre of the body Core strength has caught on as buzz term in the fitness industry, although elite athletes and coaches have understood its value for years. The biggest benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness, in other words, fitness that is essential to both daily living and regular […]
First timer Tahlia makes history
TAHLIA Rotumah admits she is “flavour of the month” among her proud friends and family at home in Tweed Heads. But her popularity is likely to last longer than a month. At just 16 years of age, Rotumah, a sprinter with cerebral palsy, has made history as the first Indigenous woman to compete at the […]
Kyle Vander-Kuyp the Master Mentor
Deadly Vibe Issue 137 On the eve of the Beijing Games, Deadly Vibe caught up with champion hurdler Kyle Vander-Kuyp to talk about his new role as a mentor for our next generation of track stars. STORY: The eyes of the word turn to Beijing this month, and to the 2008 Olympics games. But as […]
Exchange Mate
Skiing, staring and speaking German – it’s all part of the experience for Jake Lee. Jake Lee has achieved a lot for someone who’s only 19 years old. This hard-working, proud blackfella from Forster in NSW is the younger brother of Deadly award-winning triathlete Brett Lee, and is an accomplished athlete in his own right, […]
Joshua Ross
Deadly Vibe Issue 93 November 2004 Right on track While most of our Deadly winners were happy to kick up their heels at the after-party and celebrate their success, Josh Ross had much more serious matters on his mind. You see, our Male Sportsperson of the Year has Commonwealth gold in his sights. “I’m already […]
Tamara Grant
>Deadly Vibe Issue 77 TAMARA GRANT, 15, IS ALL ABOUT ATHLETICS. This Year 10 student from Queensland’s Redbank Plains State High School has competed in the 100m, 200m, long jump and triple jump events for the past five years. Her parents are supportive of their daughter’s training. After all, Mum’s a sprinter, her dad played […]
Jessica Peris
Deadly Vibe Issue 77 July 2003 WHEN YOU’RE THE DAUGHTER OF A FAMOUS athlete, one doesn’t have to look too far for motivation or support when tackling a sport. Jessica Peris, the eldest daughter of hockey player-turned-runner Nova Peris, is naturally talented in her own right. At only 13, she’s already making a name for […]
Alexis Turner
Deadly Vibe Issue 88 June 2004 Jumping for joy When she still just a little girl, Alexis Turner found a place that made her happy – the athletics track. At 19 years of age, Alexis Turner is already an old hand at athletics – she’s been competing since she was five years old, when she […]
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