The choice is yours
Make Christmas a time to reconnect with family, rethink your future and think about who you really want to be. If you don’t feel like celebrating this Christmas – don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of people feel sad, angry or upset during the festive season. We caught up with Julie Nagle from AusCoaching […]
Fuming over petrol
The number of sniffers has dropped since the Federal Government began subsidizing Opal fuel for petrol stations but there is still more to be done. The roll out of Opal fuel has helped with problem petrol sniffing in affected communities but problems still exist where there are rogue petrol stations or areas not yet switched […]
Australia has worst record of Indigenous health
Australia’s Indigenous population suffers a higher infant mortality rate and a lower life expectancy than those in New Zealand, Canada and the US, a new report has shown. While Indigenous populations of all four countries compare poorly with the broader population in matters of health, Australia has the worse trends according to the report from […]
Memory loss is getting younger (Dementia)
Forget about dementia being just for the elderly When we hear the word dementia, most people think it is a condition of the elderly. Few people however know what dementia actually is, and generally, the condition is put down to something that ‘just happens’ as we get older. Not being able to remember things or […]
When you just can’t stop
Compulsive, obsessive and excessive, that’s an addiction It is most commonly associated with drugs and alcohol, but addiction is something that can affect people from all walks of life, including those who have never tried alcohol or taken a drug in their lives. The word addiction is generally used to describe an obsession, compulsion or […]
Food for Thought
Are you smarter than the food you eat? The saying “You are what you eat” doesn’t just apply to those fried chips that go straight to your thighs. The right foods can give you “brain power” and contribute to your performance throughout the day. Does all the information about food chemicals have you thinking? Well […]
New Year’s Blues
Some people plunge into the excitement of a new year but others plunge into depression, anxious about the 12 months ahead. The end of a year is always a mad rush to get everything done, followed by indulgence and celebrations and the expectation that a new year will be bigger and better. When reality doesn’t […]
Joy to the World (Happiness)
What is happiness? And how do you get it? We all want to be happy in our lives, but how do we go about achieving it? According to research, it’s got less to do with fame and fortune and a lot more to do with things much closer to home. The word “happiness” encompasses a […]
Hairy Helpers
If you see more moustaches this month, never fear – it’s just Movember! Movember is an annual charity event held during the month of November that aims to raise funds for and awareness of men’s health issues – specifically prostate cancer and male depression. Men who register to take part in Movember spend the month […]
Why sleep is good for you
Here’s the good news if you are starting an exercise program: sleep is really important. Most people need eight hours of sleep a night and recent research suggests teenagers may need more, up to nine or 10 hours, because their bodies are growing and changing. But that should be solid, uninterrupted time sleeping and does […]
Grog Rules
Learn to take control of the grog before it takes control of you. Most people think a few beers at a sausage sizzle or a couple of glasses of wine with dinner are okay. Sure, the grog is okay in moderation, but if you drink too much you can do serious damage to your body. […]
Links to health information
Here you can find links to a whole bunch of other information resources, to help you eat better and exercise more. You’ll also find links to information about chronic disease, and where to get help. HEALTHY LIVING Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.auEverything you need to know about Indigenous Health in one place. Healthy Vibe https://deadlyvibe.com.au/vibe.asp?PageID=7Here you’ll […]
Bottle Blues (Alcohol)
Don’t kid yourself – alcohol is a drug too. A lot of us don’t realise that, just like marijuana, ice or heroin, alcohol is a drug. And it’s not just any drug – it’s the most widely used drug in Australia. While there are some potential health benefits linked to the light consumption of alcohol, […]
One for the Blokes (Depression)
style=”MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt”>Men suffer from depression too – make sure you look out for your mates. Depression is something that affects both men and women. The problem is, a lot of men won’t seek help when they’re depressed, because they think it’s a sign of weakness. Suffering from depression is not a sign of […]
Breaking the Cycle
Football star Dean Rioli does his bit to make a difference. A new fund founded by AFL legend Dean Rioli has been established, to raise much-needed awareness and funding for Indigenous health research. The Rioli Fund was launched last month at a gathering of some of Melbourne’s most influential business people and philanthropists. Guests were […]
Heavy Heart (Depression)
Depression is a serious illness, but it can be treated. Don’t be shame – ask for help. Depression is more than just feeling a bit blue or sad – it’ a real and serious illness. Depression is one of the most common of all mental health problems. One in five people experience depression at some […]
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