We’re The First
We are the students from the Year 7 Healesville High School Woiwurrung Ngulu (language) program. We are part of history in the making because we’re the first students to learn an Aboriginal ngulu as a Language Other than English (LOTE) at a high school in Victoria. Bambu (Aunty) Joy Wandin-Murphy and Bambu Doreen Garvey-Wandin are […]
Access All Areas
Seven days, 100 students, 26 departments, 96 mps and a couple of sporting legends comprised this year’s ‘learn earn legend! Work experience with government’ program. The Program brought 100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from around Australia to Canberra to see how government works. Building on the successful pilot run last year, the program […]
Deadly Vibe Class Activity Worksheets
If you’re looking for ways to improve your students’ skills and help them learn faster, then download one of our FREE worksheets. With each Deadly Vibe magazine, we compile educational worksheets from interviews, photos and other magazine content, plus we create a special maths worksheet called “Vibe Time”. They’re all PDFs ready for you to […]
Connecting through language
Speaking an Indigenous language has a positive impact on health and wellbeing according to a study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth in remote areas. An Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) study highlights the importance of passing down and using language, which is work that the Wa ngka Ma ya Pilba ra Aboriginal La […]
Search is on for Indigenous science students
If you’re good at science (or even just like it a lot), you’re in Year 11 or 12 and you’re an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander then we want to hear from you! The search is on to find five Indigenous Australian science students who will travel to the University of Sydney to explore everything […]
Educators have created Indigenous underclass, says Sarra
Dr Chris Sarra has taken a swipe at teachers for expecting less of their Aboriginal pupils. Dr Sarra is the director of the Indigenous Education Leadership Institute in Queensland and has just completed a review of education in the Northern Territory. He believes that the Territory’s Education Department has inadvertently created an underclass. He says […]
The Right Start
Families and school “learning together” at Challis Students of the Kartajin Danjoo learning centre in Western Australia put their linguistic skills and vocal chords to the test recently, at the Challis Early Childhood Education Centre’s end of term assembly. Children as young as four performed Noongar language songs for their school and parents, finishing with […]
Inspired Learning
A new school in Redfern offers hope to the community’s Indigenous children. St. Andrew’s Cathedral School in Sydney’s Redfern area recently opened a new campus specifically for primary school aged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from Redfern / Waterloo area. The Gawura campus is the result of a concept that arose out of a […]
Proof Positive
Positive Image Awards recognise the achievements of Western Australian students Six Indigenous students from Western Australia were recently named as District Ambassadors at the 2007 Positive Image Awards. The awards have been held for the past 10 years by the Western Australia Department of Communities Office for Youth in a bid to tackle negative perceptions […]
Students get a taste of uni life at Summer School
Students get a taste of uni life at Summer School Twenty-two Indigenous students from across Australia took part in the 2007 Young Leaders Summer School, which ran from December 2 to 15 at Melbourne University’s Trinity College. The students came from all over – from Worawa Aboriginal College and Mooroopna Secondary College in Victoria, to […]
Teacher of the Month
Teachers are some of the greatest people we know. Each month we profile one teacher and highlight the wonderful work they are doing and the results they are achieving. If you would like to nominate your teacher contact us with info and picture. Davina Kelly, Story: Coming up Roses A talented young teacher makes her […]
Testing Times (Exams)
End of year exams can really stress you out. Here’s how to cope. Facing your end of year exams can be a really stressful time. All that revision to do, and what if you don’t get good enough marks? Carrying all that worry around can really take its toll, but there are things you can […]
White flight from NSW public schools
A confidential survey conducted by the NSW Secondary Principals Council has found that white students are avoiding schools with Aboriginal and Middle Eastern students in favor of Catholic and other private institutions. Dubbed “white flight”, high school principals are concerned the trend may undermine the public education system and threaten social cohesion. Some teachers have […]
Margate Primary School’s Aboriginal Education Centre
Story: Margate Primary School What started out as a disused classroom on the grounds of Margate Primary School has quickly turned into one of Tasmania’s major ‘school excursion’ drawcards. It’s only been open for a few years, but last year some 1,300 school children from all over the island state visited Margate’s very own Aboriginal […]
Boarding Is A Real Option
Story: Boarding Is A Real Option For a lot of students, completing a full secondary education means that they will have to move away from their home and their community, and take up board in a place they’ve never been to before. But it needn’t be as scary as it initially sounds. Shalom Christian College […]
Quairading District High School (WA)
Winner: Mirika Winmar School: Quairading District High School (WA) We are off to celebrate our first Deadly Vibe/ DETYA Barbeque. Mirika Winmar was waiting when we arrived at Quairading District High School with our very special guest May O’Brien. Mr Rowlie Mellor, the school principal very kindly invited Deadly Vibe and DETYA to join in […]
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