Click Here For A Career
It can sometimes be hard to work out what to study, what sort of job suits you best, or which step to take next to build that great career. You might even be thinking about a really radical change in the sort of work you do, but don’t quite know how to go about it. […]
A whole new spin
Name: Paul Woodhead Paul Woodhead has been a favourite teacher at Dubbo West Primary School for the past 15 years. Paul, who got into teaching 25 years ago after winning a scholarship, says he still loves his job after all those years in front of a blackboard. “I love working with kids,” he says. “But […]
Cody Morris
Deadly Vibe Issue 90 August 2004 Doctor in the House Cody Morris always knew he wanted to be a doctor. So when his high school careers advisor told him that he would never make it, Cody refused to be discouraged. He is now in his second year of medicine at Adelaide University. “The careers advisor […]
Quairading District High School (WA)
Winner: Mirika Winmar School: Quairading District High School (WA) We are off to celebrate our first Deadly Vibe/ DETYA Barbeque. Mirika Winmar was waiting when we arrived at Quairading District High School with our very special guest May O’Brien. Mr Rowlie Mellor, the school principal very kindly invited Deadly Vibe and DETYA to join in […]
Employment Contact Sheet
As your objective is to organise your job search systematically, you should make a contact sheet to record all your activities. Depending on the circumstances, a contact sheet should contain the following information: Name of employer Address Telephone number Reference – where you found out about the job Name of contact at organisation Date application […]
Fun and Games
Name: Sarita Lawler Sarita Lawler has been teaching for only 15 weeks, but already she’s been making an impact at Katherine High School in the Northern Territory. After completing her teaching degree at the Queensland University of Technology last year, Sarita found it tough going trying to find a good job in her home state. […]
Pathways to Success
Story: Pathways to Success Indigenous education specialists come together to improve our outcomes. The second annual Indigenous Higher Education Conference was held in September of this year at the University of Western Australia, Perth. The Conference, called Partnerships, Pathways and Policies: Improving Indigenous Education Outcomes, focused on improving partnerships between key organisations to develop guaranteed […]
Super Mum
Name: Kerrie Patterson Motherhood is about as challenging and demanding a responsibility as you could find. No matter what you have on your plate in terms of work or other commitments, no one can deny that raising a family is a full-time job in itself. Many mothers, however, raise their children while juggling other responsibilities. […]
Coming Together To Learn
Story: Coming Together To Learn 2nd Indigenous Education Strategic Initiatives Programme (IESIP) National Conference, 9-11 October 2001 For three days in October 2001, approximately 260 representatives from the preschool, school and vocational education and training sectors, along with a number of Indigenous Ambassadors, peak educational bodies and the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, […]
Role models rug up
Fifteen ambassadors braved the cold and headed to Parliament House in Canberra to the National Indigenous English Literacy and Numeracy Strategy (NIELNS) Ambassadors Conference last month. The group was a mixture of five existing and 11 new ambassadors who recently joined the literacy and numeracy program. At the conference, ambassadors discussed how to promote literacy, […]
Magnetic motivation
Name: Mathew Healy Mount Magnet is a small, isolated community 600km north of Perth. The town has one school, Mount Magnet District High School, which has 160 students from Kindergarten through to Year 10. Matthew Healy is the school’s health and physical education teacher. It’s a job that covers a lot more than just T-ball […]
Helping Out
HEAD: Shining Examples INTRO: Outstanding staff and students honoured at annual awards. STORY: The achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff at TAFE Colleges across NSW have been recognised at the 16th annual TAFE NSW Gili Awards. Held as part of NAIDOC Week, The Gili Awards celebrate the role of education in […]
From little things big things grow
Education is the key to a better life, and today going all the way to Year 12 is more essential than ever. That is why the Working Together for Indigenous Youth initiative (WTIY – pronounced “witty”) has been devised. WTIY is a program that will help Indigenous students to stay on to complete Year 12 […]
Working together to build a better future for our kids
Story: Get Involved! The Australian Government has invested more than $2 billion to improve the educational outcomes of Indigenous students over the next four years, representing an increase of 23.4% over the previous four years. As part of their commitment to Indigenous education, the government has introduced the Parent School Partnership Initiative (PSPI). What about […]
Carly Lake
Get a Head Start Want a career that’s flexible, creative and gives you the chance to really make a difference? Why not consider teaching? Right now the NSW Department of Education and Training’s 2008 Teacher Education Scholarship Program is offering up to 60 scholarships for Aboriginal people to train as primary or secondary teachers. Scholarships […]
Bridging the gap
Name: Donna Bridge Donna Bridge is an English and art teacher at One Arm Point Remote Community School. One Arm Point is an isolated community about 220 kilometres north of Broome in the Kimberley. The township has a population of 500, and there are 100 students at the school, ranging from kindergarten through to high […]
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