Aaron Hall
v >Deadly Vibe Issue 78 August 2003 Between studying video production and documentary film-making in Sydney and working on film projects across Australia, Aaron Hall has barely had a chance to relax. So far, the Northern Territorian’s involvement in film has taken him from Darwin, where he produced corporate and tourist information videos, to Western […]
How Do You Rate An Interview
Have you ever wondered how a personnel officer, who might see 16 to 20 applicants a day can possibly sum people up well enough to know whether he or she wants to follow up certain applicants and not others? Have you ever wondered why one applicant, whose qualifications were less than spectacular, got called back […]
Give Her Five Any Time
Name: Adele Chapman-Burgess Parents who are doing their best to raise a large family won’t find a better role model for tackling large tasks with poise and vigour than Adele Chapman-Burgess. In 1982, Adele became the first Aboriginal woman to give birth to quins. Since then, she has become just as accustomed to camera crews […]
Edward Darcy
FAST EDDIE FLIES FOR ESSENDON This Tiwi Islander is following in the footsteps of the great Michael Long. Edward Darcy is on top of the world. The reason? On Friday, 7 June he was named recipient of the first Michael Long Scholarship Program. Developed in partnership with ATSIC and Essendon Football Club, the scholarship is […]
Lala Daniel
>Deadly Vibe Issue 83 January 2004 Over the past month, the Deadly Vibe office has had the pleasure of working with a talented young Indigenous student by the name of Lala Perina. Lala is a student at Alexandria Park High School in Sydney, not far from where she lives at Leichhardt, in the city’s inner-west. […]
Indigenous students win prestigious scholarship
Story: The Future’s Bright Two Indigenous high school students were recently awarded scholarships to the Professor Harry Messel International Science School (ISS). Joel Bruce from Casuarina in the Northern Territory, and Andrew Sampson from Quirindi in NSW attended the two week course at the University of Sydney in July this year. They were the first […]
A helping hand
Everyone needs a little hand now and then, especially when it comes to schooling. Many times, a good tutor can make the difference between an average grade and an exceptional one. Whether it’s a subject that your child is struggling with or simply one they want to improve in, tutoring is a great way to […]
John Morphett Primary School (Adelaide SA)
Winner: Gary Karpany School: John Morphett Primary School (Adelaide SA) John Morphett Primary School, SA ” December 3, 2002 It was standing room only in the school auditorium as almost 200 people gathered to witness traditional owner Aunty Josie Augus of the Kaurna people perform the Welcome to Country and Gary Karpany, a Year six […]
Example of a Resume
PERSONAL PARTICULARS NAME: May Susan PROSPER DATE OF BIRTH: 22 August 1968 ADDRESS: 300 Georgiades Street, Greenacre, Vic. 3999 TELEPHONE: 9999-1111 MARITAL STATUS: Single (Optional) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary Education 1977-1986 Castleton High School, Evanrodd Higher School Certificate subjects studied: Tertiary Education 1987-1990 University of Sydbourne Subjects studied for Degree Course in Economics Degree of Bachelor […]
Working together
Some of you mob might not have heard the name ‘Murdi Paaki’ (it means ‘black man’s river’). It’s the name for the Western NSW region that the Murdi Paaki Regional Council looks after (it covers the Bourke ATSIC region), and is home to heaps of Indigenous families. There are 16 communities there: Bourke, Brewarrina, Broken […]
New awards have been introduced to recognise the achievements of outstanding vocational students
Story: Honour Roll Students who excelled in Vocational Education and Training (VET) during 2005 have been recognised at the inaugural Australian Vocational Student Awards. The awards have been introduced to highlight the value and importance of VET, and to reward outstanding senior secondary students who have undertaken a VET in Schools program or a School-based […]
A Close connection
Name: Shirley Close Most mothers of six would have their hands full enough without taking on any extra responsibilities. But not Shirley Close. This Butchulla and Goompril woman is the heart and soul behind Garbutt State School in Townsville, Queensland. As well as teaching Years Three, Five and Six, Shirley is also the local Community […]
Falling for science
Questacon is the National Science and Technology Centre. It is in Canberra and has more than 200 hands-on activities that are not only fun but also help people to understand lots about science. One of the favourite kids’ activities is called Free Fall. You have to climb up to a platform about six metres off […]
Connecting with kids
Name: Peter Henwood Peter Henwood likes wide open spaces as well as classrooms. He has been a schoolteacher for 25 years, and has spent many of them in remote bush towns and communities. Now he is teaching media and computer studies at Tennant Creek High School, in the heart of the Northern Territory, and he […]
Delroy High School. (Dubbo NSW)
Winner: Wesley Middleton School: Delroy High School. (Dubbo NSW) WESLEY MEETS HIS FOOTY HERO Wednesday, 27 February was an important date for Dubbo’s Delroy High School. Year 8 student Wesley Middleton had won the ‘Take an Ambassador to School’ essay-writing competition and the Vibe team was travelling to the central New South Wales town to […]
Graduating With Distinction
Story: Graduating With Distinction Remember our profile on the Vocational and Educational Guidance for Aboriginals Scheme (VEGAS) a few months back? Administered by the Department of Education, Science & Training (DEST) through its National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy, VEGAS funds organisations that help Indigenous young people get a full education, such as […]
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