Health clinics commence in NSW
A group of the country’s top medics will travel to the New South Wales towns of Brewarrina and Bourke tomorrow (11 June) for the first of the newly established Indigenous clinics run by Sydney University’s Poche Centre for Indigenous Health. The team, which includes a cardiologist, physiotherapist, adolescent health expert and a rheumatologist, will fill […]
Battle of the Binge (Binge Drinking)
Binge drinking an “epidemic” among young Australians. The Federal Government has announced millions of dollars of funding to tackle what it calls the binge drinking “epidemic” among young Australians. Research has revealed that, in any in any given week, around 170,000 12- to 17-year-olds are binge drinking or drinking at dangerous levels. One in five […]
High Stakes (Gambling)
Gambling can hurt more than just your hip pocket. There are currently more than 300,000 problem gamblers in Australia. For each one of these problem gamblers, many other people are also affected – family, friends, husbands and wives, children, employers and employees. Gambling is basically risking money on an outcome, usually involving chance. People gamble […]
Sharnee Fenwick
Do you try to follow a healthy diet? Yes, I do try to follow a healthy diet. Apart from the health benefits, working in this industry you need to stay in shape, as it’s fairly unforgiving. I’ve had people I barely know tell me I’ve put on weight! What are your weaknesses? Most people would […]
How’s Your Headspace?
Extra services mean more help for young people across Australia. The Federal Government has revealed its plans to establish 20 extra youth mental health centres across Australia to help in the prevention and early intervention of mental health and drug and alcohol problems among young people. The centres will be funded through Headspace, Australia’s national […]
Dean Widders
During the off-season, do you still need to look after your health and fitness? Mentally it’s good to relax and take a break from hard training and strict diets, so when the off season is on I do have a break, but I still try to keep active and eat healthy. I also have to […]
Budget delivers $332.8 million toward Indigenous health
The Australian Government is investing $334.8 million towards closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation. Measures include $101.5 million extra funding for maternal and child health services. By addressing health issues early in life, these interventions can deliver significant progress in closing the gap. These initiatives include: an additional […]
During the holiday season, people tend to consume more alcohol. Although you may have heard that moderate consumption of alcohol protects against cardiovascular disease, this generally only refers to those people over the age of 45. More men die as a result of alcohol than are saved by moderate alcohol intake. In fact, alcohol is […]
Belly Busters (Stomach Ulcers)
They can be painful, but stomach ulcers are easy to treat. A stomach ulcer is a break in or damage to the protective lining of the stomach. This lining is there to protect your stomach from the strong acid and gastric juices that are used to digest your food. Up until recently, it was believed […]
Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is when someone drinks a lot of alcohol over a couple of hours, or even non-stop over days or weeks. It’s a dangerous thing to do, because it can make the side-effects from alcohol even worse. Drinking alcohol damages your heart, brain, liver, muscles, pancreas, lungs, genitals (in guys), intestines, blood and nervous […]
A positive Attitude
Looking for a job requires a positive attitude. A positive attitude leads to positive planning. A positive attitude means: Determining the kind of work you want and are qualified to do before you start. Planning your job search systematically. Collecting and collating all the information about yourself and ensuring that it is seen by prospective […]
Number One Mum
Name: Maryanne Malbunka Maryanne Malbunka received an extra special gift for Mother’s Day this year when she was named the national winner of the 2004 Barnardos Australia’s Mother of the Year Award. The award was announced last month at the Avillion Hotel in Sydney, where Maryanne was presented with a brand-new car as her prize […]
A Real Menace (Bullying)
Stop the bullies and keep our schools safe. Research has shown that around 20 per cent of students report being victims of bullying at least once a week. This figure could be even higher, because many problems are never reported. This is pretty worrying, considering that bullying has been shown to cause low self-esteem, depression, […]
High Stakes (Gambling)
We all enjoy a bit of a flutter once in a while. But for some people, gambling is a debilitating addiction. Approximately two per cent of all Australians, or 330,000 people, have a gambling problem. Problem gambling destroys careers and relationships, breaks up families and often leaves the gambler with insurmountable debts that they ultimately […]
The Love Goes Round
Name: Bella Savo When it comes to ambition and willingness to succeed, Bella Savo’s four children -Anthony, 12, Kerry, 11, Marion, 8, and Trevor, 6 – couldn’t have a better example than their own mum. Originally from Thursday Island, Bella has been an important and influential member of the Weipa community for 20 years. Weipa, […]
Some people go through life making themselves and others miserable by being angry and frustrated. These people may need to challenge their anger to find out if other feelings such as hurt, rejection, sadness or loneliness may be being covered up by their anger, and try to face those feelings. Strengthen yourself by developing your […]
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