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Name: Geoff Holt One school has totally transformed the education outcomes of its Indigenous students. Swan View in Western Australia has the largest concentration of Indigenous people in the metropolitan area. The nearest town, Midland, currently has the fastest growing Indigenous population in the country. And until a few years ago, the Nyoongar students of […]
All About Auntie Alice
Story: Dr Alice Rigney This inspiring Elder of the Kaurna and Narungga nations was also our first female Aboriginal school principal. Deadly Vibe pays respect. Aboriginal Elder Dr Alice Rigney is a 30-year veteran of education in South Australia. Starting out as a teachers’ aide in 1967, Alice retired as principal of Kaurna Plains School […]
Indigenous high school students from Ipswich get a taste of the future
Story: Careers calling Deciding what you want to do with yourself when you leave school can be pretty tough. How do you know what you like? What kind of choices are out there? If only you could get a taste of what a job was like before you committed to it. An initiative funded by […]
Challa Gardens Public School and Alberton Primary School (Adelaide SA)
Winner: Tjimarri Sanderson-Milera and Rebecca Gray School: Challa Gardens Public School and Alberton Primary School (Adelaide SA) ADELAIDE SIZZLES FOR A SYDNEY SWAN The Deadly Vibe BBQ team jetted in to Adelaide on Thursday, 20 June to reward two students who had won the ‘Take An Ambassador To School – My Story’ essay-writing competition. Sponsored […]
Hold onto your dreams
What a talented bunch of people fill the pages of Deadly Vibe. We have Christine Anu, Troy Cassar-Daley, Anthony Mundine, Kyle Vander-Kuyp, Aaron Pedersen, Cathy Freeman and Deb Mailman, just to name a few. These are people who have achieved at the top level in their fields, from all around Australia, who have been voted […]
Some of our earliest Aboriginal teachers are now highly respected leaders in the community.
Name: To Sir (and Ma’am), with Love Teachers play a vitally important role in our community. Without teachers we would never know the joy of reading and writing, or the beauty and value of our culture. Some of the very first Aboriginal teachers have blazed a trail for future generations to give the gift of […]
Good Vibes For Uncle Pete
Story: Peter Buckskin A leading advocate of Indigenous education for 25 years, Peter Buckskin knows the value of a good teacher more than most. When Peter Buckskin was a student in Western Australia, one of his teachers coolly suggested he stop wasting his parents’ money at boarding school and go and start digging holes in […]
The Vibe crew takes a trip down south
Story: NAIDOC Magic From the beginning of July, NAIDOC celebrations kicked off around the nation. In every community families, schools and various organisations were celebrating NAIDOC in their own special way. Down in the Lake Illawarra region of New South Wales, Indigenous students from local high schools have come together over the past three years […]
John Morphett Primary School (Adelaide SA)
Winner: Gary Karpany School: John Morphett Primary School (Adelaide SA) John Morphett Primary School, SA ” December 3, 2002 It was standing room only in the school auditorium as almost 200 people gathered to witness traditional owner Aunty Josie Augus of the Kaurna people perform the Welcome to Country and Gary Karpany, a Year six […]
School Daze
Starting high school this year? You’re not alone. Grown-ups always tell you that your school years are the best years of your life. This might seem pretty hard to believe during a double period of maths, but with the right approach, school can be a really rewarding and enjoyable experience. One of the hardest parts […]
Cherisse Buzzacott
Story: She’s TER-iffic! A student from the Northern Territory records a top TER. Finishing year 12 is a pretty deadly achievement. All those years of school, the hours of study required to pass, the pressure and the stress of those final exams – it’s a wonder anyone manages it at all. But one young woman […]
Shane Williams
Story: Shane Williams Indigenous education boss Shane Williams knows what it is like to be frustrated by a system that doesn’t take individual differences into account. He dropped out of his Far North Queensland high school in Year 10, feeling that, among other things, the system didn’t meet his cultural needs and aspirations He wanted […]
Indigenous students win prestigious scholarship
Story: The Future’s Bright Two Indigenous high school students were recently awarded scholarships to the Professor Harry Messel International Science School (ISS). Joel Bruce from Casuarina in the Northern Territory, and Andrew Sampson from Quirindi in NSW attended the two week course at the University of Sydney in July this year. They were the first […]
White Gum Valley Public School (White Gum Valley WA)
Winner: Jade Dickerson School: White Gum Valley Public School (White Gum Valley WA) White Gum Valley Public School, WA – August 13, 2003 On August 13, Vibe members Denise Wilson and Dave Beaumont travelled to White Gum Valley Primary School in Western Australia to present Jade Dickerson with a well-deserved prize for a great story […]
Hilton Donovan
Name: Hilton Donovan Hilton Donovan is a well-known face around Alexandria Park Community School (formerly known as Cleveland Street High School). He has been teaching Aboriginal studies there for the past 14 years! He also likes to use Deadly Vibe in the classroom, so we think he’s ace. “We use it when students are doing […]
Top marks
Name: Ron Banks We’re all proud of our kids’ achievements, but you’d be hard-pressed to find a prouder dad than Ron Banks. Ron lives in south Adelaide and has two sons, aged nine and 15. He is a dedicated father who works hard to instil confidence and self-respect into his sons’ lives. Ron used to […]
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