Stay fighting fit during footy season
Sports Chiropractor, Matt Windsor shares some of his insights into how players can get through the season unharmed
Ways to manage those festive kilos
With Christmas and New Year over, many of us are taking stock of those extra kilos gained over Christmas
Make fitness your friend
With the interchange of seasons some of us may have toned down the exercise, others may be tuning it up with summer just round the corner
Get Moving! (Exercise)
A new year brings the promise of fresh beginnings and is a great time to start improving your fitness. Whatever your age, weight or level of fitness, everyone can enjoy the benefits of exercise. In fact the benefits start from the moment you take that first step. Your cardiovascular health, the beating of your heart […]
Fit For Life (Fitness)
Getting fitter requires a marriage of your mind and your body – by putting your thoughts into action you will literally be able to physically see and feel the results. Once you’ve started taking those first steps towards a healthier, better you, it’s important to stay motivated so you can keep moving forward. The best […]
Why is a healthy lifestyle so important?
Why is a healthy lifestyle so important? While we can’t always stop ourselves from getting sick, if you eat healthy food, drink plenty of water and are physically active (that is you don’t sit around all day doing nothing) you’ll be more likely to live a long and healthy life. How can a healthy lifestyle […]
Do You Measure Up?
You might have seen ads on the television or in a newspaper or magazine about the national Measure Up campaign. This is a national campaign launched by the Federal Government to tackle the obesity problem. Australia is now one of the fattest nations in the world – one in two Australian adults is overweight. Measure […]
Get Moving!
How active are you? Most of us could do with a little more physical activity in our daily lives. Read on to find out why. There’s been a lot of talk about the importance of a healthy diet, but when it comes to health, physical activity is just as important. Being physically active has been […]
Karla Grant
This month we yarn about healthy living with the fittest woman in current affairs, our very own Ms Karla Grant. What do you do to keep fit and stay in shape? I train at the gym at least six days a week. I do a lot of cardio work, including boxing and strength training with […]
Kyle Vander-Kuyp the Master Mentor
Deadly Vibe Issue 137 On the eve of the Beijing Games, Deadly Vibe caught up with champion hurdler Kyle Vander-Kuyp to talk about his new role as a mentor for our next generation of track stars. STORY: The eyes of the word turn to Beijing this month, and to the 2008 Olympics games. But as […]
Swimming pools improve health for Aboriginal children
A new study has found that swimming pools in remote Aboriginal communities can dramatically reduce rates of skin, ear and chest infections. Researchers from Perth’s Telethon Institute for Child Health Research examined seven years of clinical records at two communities, Jigalong and Mugarinya, in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. The report showed that skin, ear and […]
Happy Feet (Dancing)
You don’t need to be a classically trained ballerina or a hip hop star to benefit from dancing – no matter what style you prefer, dancing is a fantastic way to keep yourself fit, health and active. But it’s not just your body that benefits. Dancing is also a great way to lift your mood […]
Air Supply (Lungs)
style=”MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt”> Your two lungs form one of the largest organs in your body. They are kept safe inside your rib cage, and surrounded by muscles that help your lungs breathe in and out. How Do Lungs Work?Although from the outside your lungs may look like two giant bags, on the inside they […]
Fighting for our Future
Deadly Vibe Issue 132 – February 2008 A former boxer takes on a new role to help our young fellas. STORY: After a lifetime spent in and around the boxing ring, former fighter turned trainer and manager Alex Wymarra has just won the most important title of his career after being named Boxing NSW’s new […]
Fun and Games
Name: Sarita Lawler Sarita Lawler has been teaching for only 15 weeks, but already she’s been making an impact at Katherine High School in the Northern Territory. After completing her teaching degree at the Queensland University of Technology last year, Sarita found it tough going trying to find a good job in her home state. […]
Magnetic motivation
Name: Mathew Healy Mount Magnet is a small, isolated community 600km north of Perth. The town has one school, Mount Magnet District High School, which has 160 students from Kindergarten through to Year 10. Matthew Healy is the school’s health and physical education teacher. It’s a job that covers a lot more than just T-ball […]
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