D-Day (Diabetes)
November 14 is World Diabetes Day – a global event that brings together millions of people in over 160 countries to raise awareness of diabetes. This year the theme of World Diabetes Day is Diabetes in Children and Adolescents Diabetes is one of the most chronic diseases of childhood. According to the World Diabetes Foundation, […]
Why is a healthy lifestyle so important?
Why is a healthy lifestyle so important? While we can’t always stop ourselves from getting sick, if you eat healthy food, drink plenty of water and are physically active (that is you don’t sit around all day doing nothing) you’ll be more likely to live a long and healthy life. How can a healthy lifestyle […]
Links to health information
Here you can find links to a whole bunch of other information resources, to help you eat better and exercise more. You’ll also find links to information about chronic disease, and where to get help. HEALTHY LIVING Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.auEverything you need to know about Indigenous Health in one place. Healthy Vibe https://deadlyvibe.com.au/vibe.asp?PageID=7Here you’ll […]
Do You Measure Up?
You might have seen ads on the television or in a newspaper or magazine about the national Measure Up campaign. This is a national campaign launched by the Federal Government to tackle the obesity problem. Australia is now one of the fattest nations in the world – one in two Australian adults is overweight. Measure […]
Get Moving!
How active are you? Most of us could do with a little more physical activity in our daily lives. Read on to find out why. There’s been a lot of talk about the importance of a healthy diet, but when it comes to health, physical activity is just as important. Being physically active has been […]
Talking Tucker
What you eat can have a huge impact on your health. But eating right is easy once you know what you need – and what you don’t! By now everyone’s heard of the 17 year gap between the life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. But this isn’t set in stone. There is a lot […]
Live it Up – 10 steps to a healthier you
Are you up for the challenge? Living a healthy life is not as hard as it might seem. All you need to do is make a few simple changes to your diet and your daily routine, and you’ll be making a huge difference to your life. We’ve put together 10 simple steps that you can […]
Crisis Call
Diabetes is hitting us too hard – it’s time to fight back. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have the fourth highest rate of type 2 diabetes in the entire world. Figures vary, but it’s estimated that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Indigenous Australians is anywhere from two up to 10 times that […]
Puff Baddy (Smoking)
Smoking triples the risk of kidney disease. So why are you still smoking? Kidney failure is one of the most serious and prevalent health threats facing Indigenous Australians. The number of patients affected has quadrupled over the past 10 years. It is fatal if it’s not treated. Rates of kidney disease in the Top End […]
New health services announced
Australian families will have access to a whole range of new health services – including a $150 voucher for teen dental care, a free health check for kids about to start school and a guide to kids’ health and development for parents under a new initiative announced by the Federal Government. New health services include: […]
Silent and Deadly (Kidney Disease)
Think you could be at risk of kidney disease? Don’t delay – get checked today. Kidney disease is having an even greater impact on Indigenous communities than previously realised, particularly in the Northern Territory, where it is estimated that up to 50 per cent of Indigenous people over 35 years old have kidney disease. New […]
Keep it Down! (High Blood Pressure)
Approximately one third of all Australians are affected by high blood pressure – for every one person on treatment, one is untreated and possibly one is undiagnosed with hypertension. What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries as the heart pumps it around the body. You can have […]
Pumping partnership for Indigenous health
Twenty-five people from all over NSW have registered for a unique training course that will get Indigenous hearts pumping. Hunter New England Health, NSW Sport and Recreation and the Heart Foundation have joined forces to deliver a dynamic Fitness Leaders and Heart Moves course for Aboriginal Health Workers and community members in Armidale from 14 […]
AIHW report says health gap is widening
A report on the nation’s health delivered yesterday has reveled data suggesting the gap in mortality rates between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is widening. Delivered at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) conference in Canberra, the report stated that seventy-one per cent of Indigenous people die before they reach 65, compared with just […]
One in eight Indigenous people have cardio disease: report
As many as one in eight Indigenous Australians have some form of cardiovascular disease, new research has found. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has found cardiovascular disease rates are 30 per cent higher among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people than among non-Indigenous people. Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular condition in […]
Kimberley Satellite Dialysis Service
Service gives real hope to remote kidney patients The Kimberley Satellite Dialysis Service is truly unique. Run by the Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (BRAMS), it’s the first community-controlled, Aboriginal health organisation-operated tertiary dialysis unit in Australia. This groundbreaking service employs Aboriginal health workers to look after Aboriginal kidney patients. Aboriginal health workers work side-by-side […]
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