Closing the gap in life expectancy
The life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians can be mainly attributed to chronic diseases, a new report has found. But while some inroads have been made into the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the report says there is still a long way to go. The health and welfare […]
Women’s council changes remote health for the better
Thirty years ago, women from three remote communities decided it was time to take their health and their concerns for their communities into their own hands and so the NPY (Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara) Women’s Council was born. Body: Today the women of the NPY Council remain just as dedicated to ensuring a strong, healthy future […]
Smoking – It’s killing us
Tobacco may be part of our past, but a new program aims to ensure the negative health and cultural (and financial) impacts don’t carry on into the future. “One study found that the average extended family in these remote communities spends the equivalent of one 4-wheel drive a year on cigarettes or $50,000” – Tom […]
Raising sexual health awareness
Snake Condoms is working with Indigenous communities this National Close the Gap Day (25 March) to turn around the latest statistics that show rural, remote and young Indigenous populations are at a higher risk of sexually transmitted infections. The latest report from the National Centre for HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research at the University of […]
Charlie Perkins Scholarships to send Indigenous Australians to Oxford
The Minister for Education, Julia Gillard, today announced that the Government will provide $132,000 to the Charlie Perkins Trust for Children and Students which will give two talented Indigenous Australians the opportunity to study at the University of Oxford for up to three years. Ms Gillard said the Rudd Government was pleased to be able […]
Govt to sign UN declaration
The ALP will honor its election promise by delivering a statement of support for the UN’s charter on Indigenous rights next week. The statement will be the second major symbolic act of the Rudd Government following the apology to the Stolen Generations in February 2007. Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin will do what the Howard […]
Rudd rules out Australia Day change
Speaking at a citizenship ceremony in Canberra, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has flatly rejected calls by Australian of the Year Mick Dodson and several other Indigenous leaders to change the date of Australia Day. After being named Australian of the Year on Sunday, Professor Mick Dodson called for a debate on whether Australia Day, which […]
Blueprint Presented.
The Close the Gap coalition has presented the Federal Government and Opposition with a set of National Indigenous Health Equality Targets to address the 17-year life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. “The targets are specific, time-bound commitments that will keep us on track to close the gap,” says Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]
Air Supply (Lungs)
style=”MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt”> Your two lungs form one of the largest organs in your body. They are kept safe inside your rib cage, and surrounded by muscles that help your lungs breathe in and out. How Do Lungs Work?Although from the outside your lungs may look like two giant bags, on the inside they […]
Indigenous Community Festivals for Education Expanded
The Minister for Education today announced that more Indigenous communities will have the opportunity to participate in community festivals in 2008. The Australian Government provides $3.05 million annually under the Community Festivals for Education Engagement program to support targeted events that encourage school attendance, retention and healthy lifestyles for all young Australians, in particular Aboriginal […]
SNAICC Chairperson blasts budget
SNAICC Chairperson, Muriel Bamblett, AM, said today that, “after raising expectations that they would do whatever it takes to the close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children the government has not made the necessary commitments to early learning and childcare. We need to close the gap between the pre election promises and the progress.” […]
Health organisations to meet NSW Govt
Indigenous health organisations will meet with The Hon. Minister Paul Lynch, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Mr. Greg Aplin MP, Shadow Spokesperson for Aboriginal Affairs, at Parliament House on Thursday April 10 to encourage the NSW Government to release their plans and timeframes to achieve Indigenous health equality in line with the Close the Gap […]
Coming Together To Learn
Story: Coming Together To Learn 2nd Indigenous Education Strategic Initiatives Programme (IESIP) National Conference, 9-11 October 2001 For three days in October 2001, approximately 260 representatives from the preschool, school and vocational education and training sectors, along with a number of Indigenous Ambassadors, peak educational bodies and the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, […]
The vibe 5
Vibe 5 It’s hard to believe it’s August already – the year is already more than half over, and the Deadlys is just around the corner! We’ve featured some awesome Indigenous achievers in this issue, from a Shakespearean actor to a hip hop crew. Talk about diversity! Get stuck into August Deadly Vibe and see […]
General Malaise
The results are in ” our health still lags behind. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released the results of its 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey. This survey is the largest ever study of the Indigenous population, and reveals that health problems in our own community still far outweigh those […]
Our National Shame
Open letter urges ” let’s fix Indigenous health within 25 years. An open letter published in The Australian newspaper in December last year has called for an end to the national scandal in Indigenous health. Australia’s leading health, human rights, aid and development organisations have urged the Prime Minister John Howard, State Premiers, Territory Chief […]
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