Tribute album for 30th anniversary

28 September 1983 will always be remembered by the community in Roebourne, WA by the death in custody of 16-year old John Pat. The 30th anniversary of this event was marked by the launch of a compilation album, Murru and is the result of over two and a half years of music workshops run by Big hART in the Roebourne Regional Prison and the community.

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Running Strong

When Elise Hull began training to get in shape, she didn’t think that a year later she would be running in the New York Marathon

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Karla Dickens

Of late, artist Karla Dickens has been spending a few afternoons every week at the local tip. It’s not the kind of place you would imagine starting a piece of artwork from, but to use her words, right now is not a good time to be selling art. “Times are tough,” she says, “they have a shop at the tip and I collect different things there that I find interesting to work with.”

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Phoenix rising

James ‘Jimblah’ Alberts’ star is rising fast. With his latest and much-anticipated album gaining quick traction among fans, he has already begun work on another one in-between touring

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Music mentor

Over the course of her 25-year career so far, it’s been obvious that Lou Bennett has music embedded in her DNA

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