Special report on kids’ health Part 2
KEEPING OUR TEENS HEALTHY This month, we present the second part of our special report on kids’ health, focusing on the teenage years. We talk to Dr Tammy Kimpton about the top health issues facing teenage children and what you can do to make sure your teenagers stay healthy and happy. Dr Tammy is a […]
Special report on kids’ health Part 1
KEEPING OUR KIDS HEALTHY This month, we present the first part of our special report on kids’ health, looking at the infant and primary years. When it comes to the health of our community nothing is more important than making sure our kids get a good start in life so they become healthy adults into […]
Skills for healthy living on the menu at kids caf¨¦
Aboriginal children at Port Lincoln Primary School are learning to cook healthy food for family and friends in a café setting. The Nunga Kids Café focuses on good nutrition in a practical way, showing students how to prepare good food in a family and community environment. Port Lincoln Aboriginal Medical Service started the program, intending […]
Keep an eye out for the ear van
There’s a deadly van with a custom-painted Aboriginal artwork by Cherbourg artist Peter Carlo driving around Queensland’s South Burnett region.
One for All – Team sports develop the individual
Getting involved in team sports is a great way to build confidence, make new friends and get in the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle. While the physical befits of playing sports are quite obvious, the physiological and social benefits can be just as important. Studies show that teens who take part in team sports […]
Australia has worst record of Indigenous health
Australia’s Indigenous population suffers a higher infant mortality rate and a lower life expectancy than those in New Zealand, Canada and the US, a new report has shown. While Indigenous populations of all four countries compare poorly with the broader population in matters of health, Australia has the worse trends according to the report from […]
Food for Thought
Are you smarter than the food you eat? The saying “You are what you eat” doesn’t just apply to those fried chips that go straight to your thighs. The right foods can give you “brain power” and contribute to your performance throughout the day. Does all the information about food chemicals have you thinking? Well […]
Why is a healthy lifestyle so important?
Why is a healthy lifestyle so important? While we can’t always stop ourselves from getting sick, if you eat healthy food, drink plenty of water and are physically active (that is you don’t sit around all day doing nothing) you’ll be more likely to live a long and healthy life. How can a healthy lifestyle […]
Tomorrow People
Our kids are our future. Let’s raise them right today for a better tomorrow. As a parent or carer, you’re holding the future of our community in your hands. It’s really important that we make sure our young fellas grow up to be healthy, strong members of the community – that way they’re less likely […]
Talking Tucker
What you eat can have a huge impact on your health. But eating right is easy once you know what you need – and what you don’t! By now everyone’s heard of the 17 year gap between the life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. But this isn’t set in stone. There is a lot […]
Links to health information
Here you can find links to a whole bunch of other information resources, to help you eat better and exercise more. You’ll also find links to information about chronic disease, and where to get help. HEALTHY LIVING Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.auEverything you need to know about Indigenous Health in one place. Healthy Vibe https://deadlyvibe.com.au/vibe.asp?PageID=7Here you’ll […]
A special art auction raises thousands for kids’ health
Artworks by some of Australia’s most sought after Indigenous artists have been sold in a charity art auction which has raised over a quarter of a million dollars for research into Indigenous health. Highlights of Ochre – Supporting Indigenous Health Through Art included the sale of a stunning artwork by 2008 Telstra Award winner Makinti […]
A Rash Decision (Measles)
Protect your kids from measles – get them vaccinated! Measles was once a common childhood illness. However, after the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1966, reported cases became extremely rare. But in the past few years, numbers of reported cases of measles have started to increase again. This is mostly due to tourists bringing […]
Help ’em Thrive (Family/Parenting)
Nurture our kids and they’ll grow up strong and happy. Communities across the country will be holding special events to celebrate National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day on August 4, which is organised each year by the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC). SNAICC first initiated National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day […]
Swimming pools improve health for Aboriginal children
A new study has found that swimming pools in remote Aboriginal communities can dramatically reduce rates of skin, ear and chest infections. Researchers from Perth’s Telethon Institute for Child Health Research examined seven years of clinical records at two communities, Jigalong and Mugarinya, in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. The report showed that skin, ear and […]
Health clinics commence in NSW
A group of the country’s top medics will travel to the New South Wales towns of Brewarrina and Bourke tomorrow (11 June) for the first of the newly established Indigenous clinics run by Sydney University’s Poche Centre for Indigenous Health. The team, which includes a cardiologist, physiotherapist, adolescent health expert and a rheumatologist, will fill […]
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