One for All – Team sports develop the individual

Getting involved in team sports is a great way to build confidence, make new friends and get in the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle.

While the physical befits of playing sports are quite obvious, the physiological and social benefits can be just as important.

Studies show that teens who take part in team sports are less likely to use drugs and more likely to finish year 12.
By participating in team sports, or any sport or group activity for that matter, you learn about the benefits and rewards from setting goals, such as the satisfaction in reaching them.

Interacting with friends, setting and building towards group goals can be a great help for later in life when the ability to work successfully as part of a team is a needed in the work place.

To be a part of a team, egos have to be checked at the door, and young people quickly learn that ‘my way or the highway’ attitudes simply will not cut it in the team environment.

Sitting on the lounge all day playing video games is no match for actual interaction with peers which helps build social skills and confidence around other people. This also improves communication skills as you get used to working closely with differing personalities.

By listening to and being guided by a coach, you have another mentor outside of the immediate family. This can help in building respect for other mentoring figures such as teachers.

Team sports can also be an activity which involves the whole family. Getting out on the weekend with the whole mob to a young ones game is a positive and happy way to spend time together, and young fellas get a big kick out of seeing their parents and loved ones cheering them on from the sidelines. So long as you’re not cheering too fanatically!

And even if your child isn’t sports minded, other group activities such as choirs, acting, or dance groups can be just as beneficial. Encourage your children to try a range of activities until they find something that suits them best.

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