Breaking the Cycle
Football star Dean Rioli does his bit to make a difference. A new fund founded by AFL legend Dean Rioli has been established, to raise much-needed awareness and funding for Indigenous health research. The Rioli Fund was launched last month at a gathering of some of Melbourne’s most influential business people and philanthropists. Guests were […]
Health workforce boost needed: Roxon
Boosting the numbers of Indigenous people working in health is critical to bridging the 17-year life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, the federal government says. Minister for Health and Ageing Nicola Roxon said the new National Indigenous Health Equality Council (NIHEC) would be asked to prioritise lifting the numbers of Indigenous health workers. […]
Pumping partnership for Indigenous health
Twenty-five people from all over NSW have registered for a unique training course that will get Indigenous hearts pumping. Hunter New England Health, NSW Sport and Recreation and the Heart Foundation have joined forces to deliver a dynamic Fitness Leaders and Heart Moves course for Aboriginal Health Workers and community members in Armidale from 14 […]
Realise Your Dream Scholarships
Creative young Australians are being offered a unique opportunity to work with a top UK professional in their field, thanks to the British Council’s 2008 Realise Your Dream scheme. Realise Your Dream is open to anyone between 18 and 30 years of age working or studying in creative fields such as design, architecture, advertising, photography, […]
Exchange Mate
Skiing, staring and speaking German – it’s all part of the experience for Jake Lee. Jake Lee has achieved a lot for someone who’s only 19 years old. This hard-working, proud blackfella from Forster in NSW is the younger brother of Deadly award-winning triathlete Brett Lee, and is an accomplished athlete in his own right, […]
Position wanted
Sadly, unemployment is a fact of life for many people, especially our youth. You might be smart, educated and really keen to get to work, but sometimes there are just not enough jobs to go around. Some people can find this really difficult to cope with, which can have a negative impact on their health. […]
Training Day
Story: Training Day Training Day Awards recognise the people who are training our future leaders. The Australian Minister for Vocational and Technical Education, the Hon. Gary Hardgrave MP, recently presented the 2006 Minister’s Awards for Excellence for Employers of Australian Apprentices at a gala dinner at Luna Park in Sydney. The Awards acknowledged 22 outstanding […]
Cherisse Buzzacott
Story: She’s TER-iffic! A student from the Northern Territory records a top TER. Finishing year 12 is a pretty deadly achievement. All those years of school, the hours of study required to pass, the pressure and the stress of those final exams – it’s a wonder anyone manages it at all. But one young woman […]
Pathways to Success
Story: Pathways to Success Indigenous education specialists come together to improve our outcomes. The second annual Indigenous Higher Education Conference was held in September of this year at the University of Western Australia, Perth. The Conference, called Partnerships, Pathways and Policies: Improving Indigenous Education Outcomes, focused on improving partnerships between key organisations to develop guaranteed […]
Super Mum
Name: Kerrie Patterson Motherhood is about as challenging and demanding a responsibility as you could find. No matter what you have on your plate in terms of work or other commitments, no one can deny that raising a family is a full-time job in itself. Many mothers, however, raise their children while juggling other responsibilities. […]
Edward Darcy
FAST EDDIE FLIES FOR ESSENDON This Tiwi Islander is following in the footsteps of the great Michael Long. Edward Darcy is on top of the world. The reason? On Friday, 7 June he was named recipient of the first Michael Long Scholarship Program. Developed in partnership with ATSIC and Essendon Football Club, the scholarship is […]
Click Here For A Career
It can sometimes be hard to work out what to study, what sort of job suits you best, or which step to take next to build that great career. You might even be thinking about a really radical change in the sort of work you do, but don’t quite know how to go about it. […]
Lala Daniel
>Deadly Vibe Issue 83 January 2004 Over the past month, the Deadly Vibe office has had the pleasure of working with a talented young Indigenous student by the name of Lala Perina. Lala is a student at Alexandria Park High School in Sydney, not far from where she lives at Leichhardt, in the city’s inner-west. […]
New Apprenticeships
At 27, Aaron Carle has the world at his feet. The former boat- and ship-building apprentice is one of an increasing number of Indigenous Australians who have embarked on a New Apprenticeship. From December 1999 to December 2002, the number of Indigenous New Apprentices in training rose to 6,960 – an encouraging increase of 2,401 […]
Cody Morris
Deadly Vibe Issue 90 August 2004 Doctor in the House Cody Morris always knew he wanted to be a doctor. So when his high school careers advisor told him that he would never make it, Cody refused to be discouraged. He is now in his second year of medicine at Adelaide University. “The careers advisor […]
MaRT is the Australian Department of Education, Science and Training’s Monitoring and Reporting Team. Some of our colleagues gave us the name ‘SMaRT Team’ last year, and we certainly try to work smarter. The team operates as an important link between Indigenous people around Australia and the Australian Government in Canberra. It’s MaRT’s job to […]
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