Verity Flugge
Talented gymnast Verity Flugge is only 11 years old, but that hasn’t stopped her from excelling in her chosen sport. Softly spoken and a little bit shy, Verity comes from Perth and has been training as a gymnast since she was two years old. Yes, that’s right ” two years old! “My big sister used […]
When you smoke, you are doing damage to your entire body. The areas of your body that are worst affected by smoking cigarettes are your lungs, arteries and especially your heart. YOUR LUNGS Some people who smoke know the damage smoking is doing to their lungs. They know that they feel short of breath and […]
Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is when someone drinks a lot of alcohol over a couple of hours, or even non-stop over days or weeks. It’s a dangerous thing to do, because it can make the side-effects from alcohol even worse. Drinking alcohol damages your heart, brain, liver, muscles, pancreas, lungs, genitals (in guys), intestines, blood and nervous […]
Learn To Swim
Don’t take risks! Learn to swim! You should be able to swim, tread water or at least stay afloat if you are in, or near, the water. If you cannot, make sure there is an adult looking after you who can swim. Never overestimate your swimming ability Young people often think they are good swimmers […]
Nit Picking (Head Lice)
Ugh, head lice! So how do you stop these nasty critters from running riot? Head lice are itchy little buggers that can spread through a classroom like wildfire, unless you stop them in their tracks. What are head lice?Head lice are tiny little wingless insects that live, feed and breed on the human scalp. They’ve […]
Keeping Yourself Safe (Abuse)
Child abuse is ALWAYS wrong, and is NEVER the child’s fault. Here are some tips to help you stay safe, and to teach you what to do if something happens. Who do you trust? Identify the people that you trust most in the world . This might be your mum or dad, your grandparents, your […]
Barbiturates are a form of depressants known as downers. They are taken in pill form and affect the central nervous system by slowing down the mind and body. Barbiturates are not only highly addictive – they can also have damaging short- and long- term effects. Short-term effects range from a feeling of sleepiness and relaxation […]
How can a person determine his or her ideal weight? Ideas about ideal weight vary from generation to generation and culture to culture. Obesity is often looked upon as a mark of distinction in some societies where food is scarce, because it indicates that a person has enough money to eat well. Some Polynesian cultures […]
Fat Chance (Obesity)
As a country we’re getting fatter, and it’s not doing our health any favours. All over the world, more and more people are becoming overweight or obese. The World Health Organisation has called it a global epidemic; here in Australia, obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 20 years ” we are now […]
Feature Story – Health Round-Up
The latest in Indigenous health news from around Australia. Remote Babies at RiskIndigenous health researchers have found that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers who live in remote areas are 14 per cent less likely to have a healthy baby than mothers living in regional or city areas. Researchers from the School of Women’s and […]
Coming to a Head (Boils)
Most of us will develop a boil at some stage ” those unsightly and often painful sores on the skin. A boil is a localised infection deep in the skin that usually starts as a reddened, tender area that over time becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the centre of the boil fills up with pus, […]
HIV / Aids
FACT: AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS. AcquiredImmune Deficiency syndrome. HIV is spread from one person to another through sex and blood-to-blood contact. When someone becomes infected with HIV, the virus attacks that person’s immune system (the system that defends […]
Sole survivor
You do not have to be an athlete to get athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection on the feet and is quite a common infection. It is believed to affect up to 70 per cent of Australians at some stage during their lives. The fungus that causes this condition is called trichophyton […]
Heart to Heart (Cardiovascular Disease)
Avoid our biggest killer ” keep your heart healthy. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Australia ” it kills one Australian every 10 minutes. According to the Heart Foundation, Indigenous Australians are up to two and a half times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than the rest of the population. […]
Pooped? (Chronic Fatigue)
A largely misunderstood illness that can really wear you out. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a largely misunderstood illness that causes extreme exhaustion. What are the symptoms?Sufferers can experience severe, disabling tiredness, especially after physical or mental exertion. Sleeping often fails to bring refreshment. Other symptoms include aching muscles and joints, headaches, a sore throat […]
It Takes Two, Baby (Relationships)
A good relationship won’t just fall into your lap ” you need to work at it. Companionship is a basic human need. It’s in our nature to seek love, affection and someone to share our lives with. If the relationship we have with that special someone is strong and healthy, our lives our fulfilled ” […]
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