Save Our Smiles
A new report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has revealed that levels of tooth decay in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are increasing, particularly among Indigenous kids under the age of seven. The report shows that poor dental health, including tooth decay, is more common among Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]
The Eyes Have It (Eye Health)
Your eyes are not just the windows to your soul; they’re also how you see. So look after ’em! Our eyesight is essential for so many things. We need our sight to read, to drive, to learn and to spot danger. If you have a problem with your eyesight, it can make life very difficult. […]
Doctor Didj
A new study has found that playing the didgeridoo could help people who suffer from asthma. The study, which was published in the Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal and run through the University of Southern Queensland’s Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health, used music therapy to help young Indigenous asthmatics manage their condition. […]
Dean Widders
During the off-season, do you still need to look after your health and fitness? Mentally it’s good to relax and take a break from hard training and strict diets, so when the off season is on I do have a break, but I still try to keep active and eat healthy. I also have to […]
Fighting for our Future
Deadly Vibe Issue 132 – February 2008 A former boxer takes on a new role to help our young fellas. STORY: After a lifetime spent in and around the boxing ring, former fighter turned trainer and manager Alex Wymarra has just won the most important title of his career after being named Boxing NSW’s new […]
Turning a Blind Eye (Trachoma)
Why are Indigenous Australians still suffering from trachoma? Trachoma is a preventable condition that is almost entirely a disease of undeveloped countries. However, while mainstream Australians rarely – if ever – contract trachoma, the condition is rife in many Indigenous communities. What is trachoma?Trachoma is a contagious infection of the eye caused by bacteria. It’s […]
Baby Teeth
The health of your baby’s first teeth is as important as the health of their teeth when they grow up. Follow these tips from the Australian Dental Association to keep your baby’s teeth healthy. Babies can get tooth decay. Without treatment, this can lead to toothache, infection and early loss of teeth. Signs that your […]
Budget delivers $332.8 million toward Indigenous health
The Australian Government is investing $334.8 million towards closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation. Measures include $101.5 million extra funding for maternal and child health services. By addressing health issues early in life, these interventions can deliver significant progress in closing the gap. These initiatives include: an additional […]
During the holiday season, people tend to consume more alcohol. Although you may have heard that moderate consumption of alcohol protects against cardiovascular disease, this generally only refers to those people over the age of 45. More men die as a result of alcohol than are saved by moderate alcohol intake. In fact, alcohol is […]
Smoking Initiatives a Good Start
Today’s announcement by the Rudd Government that it will spend $14.5 million to fund initiatives to curb high smoking rates among Aboriginal people has been welcomed by two leading Aboriginal health research bodies. The Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health (CRCAH) and the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Tobacco Control (CEITC) said the anti-smoking initiative […]
Ear Health in Central Australia
How big an issue is hearing health in Central Australia? Rebecca: Well I can probably say that at any given time if you were to walk into a classroom of primary school aged kids you could guarantee about 85% of those children in the classroom have some kind of hearing loss, and also you can […]
Sensible Drinking
It’s all very well to talk about sensible drinking, what does it mean when someone talks about a standard drink? It’s confusing because a standard drink can come in all shapes and sizes, but all standard drinks contain about 10 grams of alcohol. The drinks are different sizes because some are stronger than others. But […]
Body Talk (Allergies)
What’s bugging you? Allergies explained. An allergy is your body’s reaction to a food or substance that might not bother other people. It’s basically your boy’s way of telling you it doesn’t like something. Some of the most common allergies include pollen from flowers, dust, animal fur, nuts, eggs and milk. Allergies can show themselves […]
Eddie Currie
Deadly Vibe Issue 106, December 2005 Think Big A young entrepreneur is spreading some Murri magic. Imagine going into a supermarket and being able to find genuine bush tucker ” right there on the shelf. That’s the inspiration behind one fella’s big idea ” Murri Magic ” a nursery business that produces and sells bush […]
A cataract is progressive clouding of the lens inside the human eye. First it goes yellow, then brown, and finally totally opaque (cloudy). Cataracts usually develop as part of the aging process. But they may also develop as a result of injury, certain diseases, medications or even our genes. Children and infants can be affected […]
This Month – Puff Bunny
Having asthma shouldn’t mean that you can’t reach your goals. Just ask Joe. Joe Williams is 23 years old, a father of two and one of the NRL’s rising stars. He also has asthma. But Joe hasn’t let asthma stand in the way of his success with the South Sydney Rabbitohs ” he’s learned how […]
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