Dumping depression the right way
When a person is suffering depression they may turn to self-medicating, but this isn’t the way to treat it
Mind over matter
Got the blues? Get out of your head and back into your body with exercise. It’s not only food that can make you feel happier and healthier… so can exercise. Most people think that you only exercise to get a six pack and look good on the beach, but there’s an even more important reason […]
New Year’s Blues
Some people plunge into the excitement of a new year but others plunge into depression, anxious about the 12 months ahead. The end of a year is always a mad rush to get everything done, followed by indulgence and celebrations and the expectation that a new year will be bigger and better. When reality doesn’t […]
Hairy Helpers
If you see more moustaches this month, never fear – it’s just Movember! Movember is an annual charity event held during the month of November that aims to raise funds for and awareness of men’s health issues – specifically prostate cancer and male depression. Men who register to take part in Movember spend the month […]
One for the Blokes (Depression)
style=”MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt”>Men suffer from depression too – make sure you look out for your mates. Depression is something that affects both men and women. The problem is, a lot of men won’t seek help when they’re depressed, because they think it’s a sign of weakness. Suffering from depression is not a sign of […]
Bottle Blues (Alcohol)
Don’t kid yourself – alcohol is a drug too. A lot of us don’t realise that, just like marijuana, ice or heroin, alcohol is a drug. And it’s not just any drug – it’s the most widely used drug in Australia. While there are some potential health benefits linked to the light consumption of alcohol, […]
Heavy Heart (Depression)
Depression is a serious illness, but it can be treated. Don’t be shame – ask for help. Depression is more than just feeling a bit blue or sad – it’ a real and serious illness. Depression is one of the most common of all mental health problems. One in five people experience depression at some […]
Breaking the Cycle
Football star Dean Rioli does his bit to make a difference. A new fund founded by AFL legend Dean Rioli has been established, to raise much-needed awareness and funding for Indigenous health research. The Rioli Fund was launched last month at a gathering of some of Melbourne’s most influential business people and philanthropists. Guests were […]
Beating the Blues (Depression)
Depression is a serious illness that affects thousands of Australians. Despite the fact that it is one of the most common health problems in our society today, depression remains a misunderstood illness. Some facts on depression: Depression affects around one in every five people at some time in their life;Each year, almost 800,000 Australian adults […]
Worry Worts (Anxiety)
Don’t let anxiety rule your life ” there is help available. We all feel anxious from time to time. But sometimes that anxiety can become so severe that it interferes with your life. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common forms of mental illness, and affect nearly everyone at some stage. However, some people […]
Split Decision (Divorce)
Going though a divorce ” remember that kids come first. Going through a divorce is a pretty tough time for everyone involved. Parents who are separating can often be so caught up in all the stress and problems involved in the ending of a relationship that they forget about what matters most ” the kids. […]
Yuletide Blues (Depression)
Christmas is not always the happiest time of year. For most of us, Christmas means lots of good things ” spending time with family and friends, presents, parties, food and fun. But for some people, Christmas is a difficult and sad time of year. There are many reasons for this. For some, money worries make […]
Bringing Them Home – You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
Bringing Them Home counsellors came into existence in the late ’90s in response to the growing number of Indigenous families dealing with the effects of the Stolen Generations. Sandy Laughton is a Bringing Them Home (BTH) counsellor at the Goondir Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service in Dalby, Queensland. Goondir Health Service looks after […]
Did you know that in any given year approximately one in 10 people will suffer from a depressive illness? Depression interferes with normal healthy functioning, affecting not only the sufferer but their family and friends as well. So if you think you might be depressed, don’t pretend nothing is wrong – there are ways of […]
We all know or will know what it is like to feel grief. Grief comes from loss, and it can be from any loss. It may be the result of the end of a friendship; giving up a child; moving away from family or loved ones; a job loss or the death of someone we […]
Stress is not always a bad thing. Experts say we can’t live without it yet too much of it can threaten our health. Stress pushes some people to new heights of achievement and can get them through school exams or major sporting competitions. For others it drives them to alcoholism, drug abuse, mental illness or […]
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