Keep asthma under control
As the winter air becomes increasingly dry and cold, asthmatics need to keep a close eye on their asthma.
Beat the winter bugs with a flu shot
Influenza and pneumonia, which can develop from flu, are the primary causes of death for about 2.5 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, mostly adults. The risk increases if you’re over 50, or if you’re considered high-risk, which includes people who have diabetes or renal disease or drink excessive amounts of alcohol. […]
Space invaders
Our homes can be dangerous places where bugs and bacteria breed. Care and lots of soap and water are your best defence. Sickness can be caused by inadequate domestic or personal hygiene. Not cleaning the toilet, not getting rid of rubbish, not washing clothes and bedding frequently, and not storing food properly are some examples […]
Every Cigarette is doing you Damage
Cigarette smoking is the single largest cause of preventable death and disease in Australia, with over 19,000 people dying of smoking-related illness every year. One in two lifelong smokers will die from their addiction, and half of these people will die in middle age. Because over 50 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]
Itchy Issues (Eczema)
Don’t let your eczema drive you crazy! What is eczema?Eczema (pronounced Ex-mah) is a recurring, non-infectious, inflammatory skin condition affecting one in three Australians at some stage in their lives. Although eczema is not a life-threatening disease, it can certainly affect quality of life. Itching can cause sleepless nights and can place a strain upon […]
Doctor Didj
A new study has found that playing the didgeridoo could help people who suffer from asthma. The study, which was published in the Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal and run through the University of Southern Queensland’s Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health, used music therapy to help young Indigenous asthmatics manage their condition. […]
Breathe Easy (Asthma)
Don’t let asthma take the wind out of your sails. More than 2.2 million Australians suffer from asthma. People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs. When they’re exposed to certain things, or “triggers”, their airways become narrower, which makes it harder for them to breathe. What causes asthma?The cause of asthma is not […]
Power of the Pooch
Hayfever – something to sneeze at. Hayfever sufferers know the misery of their condition all too well – red, itchy eyes, runny, stuffy nose, itchy throat and uncontrollable sneezing. For those who don’t suffer from this affliction, you may think of hayfever as something that only happens in spring. But hayfever can happen at any […]
Hayfever ” something to sneeze at. Hayfever sufferers know the misery of their condition all too well ” red, itchy eyes, runny, stuffy nose, itchy throat and uncontrollable sneezing. For those who don’t suffer from this affliction, you may think of hayfever as something that only happens in spring. But hayfever can happen at any […]
This Month – Puff Bunny
Having asthma shouldn’t mean that you can’t reach your goals. Just ask Joe. Joe Williams is 23 years old, a father of two and one of the NRL’s rising stars. He also has asthma. But Joe hasn’t let asthma stand in the way of his success with the South Sydney Rabbitohs ” he’s learned how […]
General Malaise
The results are in ” our health still lags behind. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released the results of its 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey. This survey is the largest ever study of the Indigenous population, and reveals that health problems in our own community still far outweigh those […]
ASTHMA Asthma is a condition that affects the breathing tubes (bronchioles) in the lungs. During an asthma attack the muscles in these tubes tighten, causing the bronchioles to contract and shrink. A person suffering from an asthma attack finds it very difficult to breathe, and this can often be accompanied by a wheezing noise and/or […]
Avoid The Winter Flu Blues
The latest flu strains are heading our way, but thankfully so are the latest vaccines for influenza, as well as those for pneumococcal infections (such as pneumonia and meningitis). The Australian Government is once again making these vaccines available for free to all Aboriginal Medical Services, GPs and community health centres – so if the […]
Our Health, Our Future
Together we are building a happier, healthier community. The recent release of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2004-2005 revealed that there are still lots of health problems in our community. But it also showed that we are becoming more responsible about getting the health care we need. According to the survey, […]
Don’t Blow It (Smoking)
Your smoking doesn’t just hurt you ” it hurts your family too. When you’re smoking, other people around you are also exposed to your cigarette smoke. When other people breathe that smoke in, this is called passive smoking. There are three types of passive smoke produced by cigarette smoking. They are: Mainstream smoke ” this […]
Puff Bunny (Asthma)
Having asthma shouldn’t mean that you can’t reach your goals. Just ask Joe. Joe Williams is 23 years old, a father of two and one of the NRL’s rising stars. He also has asthma. But Joe hasn’t let asthma stand in the way of his success with the South Sydney Rabbitohs ” he’s learned how […]
Read previous asthma stories from our archives: