Beautiful One Day

“A vivid, poignant, political and often unexpectedly funny work … that demands our full attention deserves it and rewards it.”

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A rollickin’ good show!

It’s a show with some of the biggest names in Australia’s music and arts scene and it’s shaping up to be very Deadly! With only a few days to go until Indigenous Australia’s premier event at the Sydney Opera House on Monday 27 September, the 16th annual Deadly Awards, there is the unmistakeable air of […]

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Want to be part of Corroboree Sydney?

Corroboree Sydney is here! Eventeamwork has a new opportunity for you! Over 11 days and nights in November 2013, leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, writers, dancers and musicians will showcase their creativity and share their stories.

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A new direction for Lou

For Lou, the transition from Tiddas member to solo performer was a particularly enlightening experience. Going solo didn’t suit her, so Lou Bennett has a new group to sing with.

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