Baramada Rock

The Festival of the Dreaming will be an awesome, cool and very deadly rock concert at Parramatta Stadium

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Deadly Vibe Star Watch – Deborah Cheetham

Name: Deborah Cheetham Where are you from? Born in Nowra – Sydney ever since Band: Operatic Soloist How old are you? 32 years How did you get into music? In high school, my music teacher took me to the opera and I feel in love with singing. What’s the worst outfit you have ever worn? When […]

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Editor’s Tag

September 1997 sees the first major event of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games for Australia, an Australian arts festival. To their credit, the people running the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games have started off very much on the right foot. They have decided to start at the beginning and show respect to us, the original Australians. […]

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