Liver Safe Life
Hepatitis C is spreading fast, but there are ways to protect yourself. Hepatitis C is the most reported infectious disease over the last 10 years in Australia, with an estimated 16,000 new infections every year. There are estimated to be approximately 242,000 people with hepatitis C in Australia, but more recently a survey indicated that […]
Flu Jab
Flu can be a killer. Winter is flu season and it’s on the way. Many people think that because flu is so common, that it’s not serious. But it is. The flu can really kill people. It can be a real problem if you’re in a high-risk group such as older people, people who already […]
The Big Chill
Brrrr! Depending on where you live, the winter months can bring about dramatic changes in climate and temperature. For those of you from areas that experience cold winters, take extra special care when outdoors. Being exposed to cold weather, even for a short period of time, can be dangerous if you are not adequately prepared. […]
A Lesson In Love
Name: Kevin Kropinyeri Being a parent is all about sacrifice. And being a good father, particularly a young one, takes enormous sacrifice and character. For Kevin Kropinyeri, the sacrifices he made for his family were not so tough because the gift he received in return was far greater. “I find that I have a more […]
Back to Basics (Spine Damage)
The wrong schoolbag can damage your back. Recent research has revealed that up to 70 per cent of students may be damaging their spines by carrying their schoolbag incorrectly. Macquarie University in NSW recently surveyed a group of students, and found that 70-75 per cent of them displayed some form of lower or upper body […]
ASTHMA Asthma is a condition that affects the breathing tubes (bronchioles) in the lungs. During an asthma attack the muscles in these tubes tighten, causing the bronchioles to contract and shrink. A person suffering from an asthma attack finds it very difficult to breathe, and this can often be accompanied by a wheezing noise and/or […]
Breathe easy
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the air passages that run from your windpipe to your lungs. It affects many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and children. Bronchitis is contagious and can be spread by direct or indirect contact. It may be caused by a virus, bacteria, smoking or the inhalation of […]
Malady in Motion (Motion Sickness)
Motion sickness ” it’s enough to make you want to stay at home. Most of us have experienced motion sickness at some stage in our lives ” that awful feeling of nausea and dizziness that wells up inside you when you’re in the car, on a boat or even on a ride at an amusement […]
Hear This! (Hearing Loss)
Keep an eye on your kid’s ears to prevent the risk of hearing loss. Hearing loss among Aboriginal children is a serious problem. In some areas, nearly all school-age children have some level of hearing impairment. This is commonly a result of a chronic middle ear infection, also known as otitis media or glue ear. […]
Hamstring Injuries
Hamstring injuries are quite common on the football field. What is a hamstring? The term hamstring refers to a group of muscles found on the back of the thigh. How do injuries to the hamstring occur? Injuries to these muscles and surrounding tendons can happen in a variety of ways. Sprinting suddenly when the body […]
Winter Colds and Flu
Now that the colder months are setting in, it’s important to keep yourself healthy in order to prevent colds and flu. Staying healthy means keeping warm, drinking lots of water and of course eating healthy foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables. Another way to stay healthy is to take a daily multivitamin, vitamin C and […]
Puberty Blues (Puberty)
Going through puberty? It’s not the end of the world. Puberty is the time in your life when your sexual organs start to mature ” that means your body starts to become capable of making babies. But before any outward changes happen, there’s lots of things changing on the inside as you body starts to […]
The eyes have it
rong>The eyes have it Losing sight of eye health It’s easy to take your eyesight for granted, but imagine what life would be like without it! Blindness is a big problem in our communities, with rates of blindness about 10 times that of mainstream Australian communities. However, up to 80 per cent of blindness or […]
Heading Out Bush
It’s a great time of year to go bush! So why not pack yourself a bag and go out on a bushwalk or camp out under the stars. But when you’re heading out bush, it is important to be well organised to avoid getting sick or hurt. Plan your trip within your physical abilities and […]
General Malaise
The results are in ” our health still lags behind. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released the results of its 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey. This survey is the largest ever study of the Indigenous population, and reveals that health problems in our own community still far outweigh those […]
Wheelin’ Groovy
Bicycles and skateboards are a lot of fun, but they can be dangerous if you’re not sensible about riding them. Approximately 35 per cent of all bicycle accidents in Australia happen to children between the ages of five and nine who weren’t wearing a helmet!To stay strong and healthy, firmly buckle up your helmet every […]
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