Binge Drinking
Binge drinking is when someone drinks a lot of alcohol over a couple of hours, or even non-stop over days or weeks. It’s a dangerous thing to do, because it can make the side-effects from alcohol even worse. Drinking alcohol damages your heart, brain, liver, muscles, pancreas, lungs, genitals (in guys), intestines, blood and nervous […]
A Growing Concern
Drinking alcohol can damage your unborn baby. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is brain damage and other disorders that can be caused to children through women drinking during their pregnancy. This is because alcohol interferes with the normal development of a foetus (the baby growing in the womb). FASD includes: Foetal alcohol syndrome Growth retardation; […]
Ditch Those Durries
Every single cigarette you smoke is harming your body. The list of health problems caused by smoking is literally endless. The problem is, most of us think that smoking-related illness only happens to old people who’ve been smoking all their lives. Wrong – smoking starts to hurt your health from the very first puff, no […]
Don’t Blow It (Smoking)
Your smoking doesn’t just hurt you ” it hurts your family too. When you’re smoking, other people around you are also exposed to your cigarette smoke. When other people breathe that smoke in, this is called passive smoking. There are three types of passive smoke produced by cigarette smoking. They are: Mainstream smoke ” this […]
Just Kickin’ It! (Smoking)
Wanna ditch the durries? You don’t have to do it alone. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more deaths in the Indigenous population than either alcohol or petrol sniffing. More than 50 per cent of our mob smoke, and this is having a serious impact on our health and life expectancies. Dr Rowena Ivers, from the […]
GBH Gamma Hydroxybutyrate
GBH stands for Gamma hydroxybutyrate – or “grievous bodily harm”. As its nickname implies, this is a highly dangerous drug and should never, ever be used. It is a powerful, rapidly-acting, central nervous system depressant that is sold as a light-coloured powder that dissolves in liquids or in small vials in the form of an […]
On Track – Drugs in Sport
One swimmer was caught with human growth hormone in her luggage and four others failed drug tests
SMOKING – Every Cigarette is doing you damage
When you smoke you are doing damage to your entire body
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