Winter Colds and Flu
Now that the colder months are setting in, it’s important to keep yourself healthy in order to prevent colds and flu. Staying healthy means keeping warm, drinking lots of water and of course eating healthy foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables. Another way to stay healthy is to take a daily multivitamin, vitamin C and […]
Puberty Blues (Puberty)
Going through puberty? It’s not the end of the world. Puberty is the time in your life when your sexual organs start to mature ” that means your body starts to become capable of making babies. But before any outward changes happen, there’s lots of things changing on the inside as you body starts to […]
The eyes have it
rong>The eyes have it Losing sight of eye health It’s easy to take your eyesight for granted, but imagine what life would be like without it! Blindness is a big problem in our communities, with rates of blindness about 10 times that of mainstream Australian communities. However, up to 80 per cent of blindness or […]
Heading Out Bush
It’s a great time of year to go bush! So why not pack yourself a bag and go out on a bushwalk or camp out under the stars. But when you’re heading out bush, it is important to be well organised to avoid getting sick or hurt. Plan your trip within your physical abilities and […]
General Malaise
The results are in ” our health still lags behind. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released the results of its 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey. This survey is the largest ever study of the Indigenous population, and reveals that health problems in our own community still far outweigh those […]
Wheelin’ Groovy
Bicycles and skateboards are a lot of fun, but they can be dangerous if you’re not sensible about riding them. Approximately 35 per cent of all bicycle accidents in Australia happen to children between the ages of five and nine who weren’t wearing a helmet!To stay strong and healthy, firmly buckle up your helmet every […]
No Bones About It
Keep your bones healthy now and you’ll thank yourself later. Osteoporosis affects one in three women and one in eight men across the world. It is a condition that causes the bones to become brittle and fracture or break easily. Although it mostly affects older women, there are things you can do to keep you […]
Mick Adams
Doctor in the House Deadly Vibe Issue 116 October 2006 A hard-working doctor gets a big thank you from the Aboriginal community. There are so many incredible people out there who are working tirelessly to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Every single one of them deserves our gratitude, […]
Dr Ngiare: Medicine Woman
Story: Dr Ngiare If you’ve ever been lucky enough to meet Dr Ngiare Brown, you sure won’t forget about her in a hurry. Funny, vivacious, down-to-earth and compassionate, Ngiare’s a dynamic young woman who takes her work in Aboriginal health and education very seriously indeed. Yet she still has time for a joke and a […]
Start Your Engines!
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. If you were starting out on a long car trip, would you head off with an empty fuel tank? Of course not! But many of us do start our day without the fuel we need to get through ” breakfast. The word “breakfast” is really […]
Speaking in Tongues (Oral Health)
Beware the black hairy tongue, and other nasties. The tongue is an important part of our body. It not only helps us to chew and swallow our food, it also helps us to talk. The health and appearance of our tongue can also be an indicator of our overall health. The tongue consists predominately of […]
Kidneys filter waste from the blood, remove excess water from the body, maintain the proper balance of salts and acids in the body and produce vital hormones that control blood pressure, bone strength and the production of red blood cells. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer remove waste and maintain the level […]
Ear Health
As the summer months settle in I’m sure most of you will be hitting the beach or the local pool. But beware, the easiest things to infect while you’re in the water are your ears! Ear infections are very common; each year one in 100 people consult a doctor with the problem. They often occur […]
Shine on
Want healthy hair? Follow these simple tips. To have great hair, you need to be healthy on the inside as well as the outside. That means you need to eat the right foods. Essential fatty acids that you can get from whole grains, fresh nuts and dark green leafy vegetables help to improve the texture […]
Nature’s Nasties (Bites)
Do you know what to do if you encounter one of these creatures? Australia is famous for its many venomous creatures. A lot of these creatures are more commonly encountered in the summer months, so it’s important to be alert if you’re outside. Some of the more dangerous venomous creatures are: The Funnel Web SpiderThe […]
Early Warning (Heart Disease)
Knowing the warning signs of a heart attack could save someone’s life ” maybe even your own. Coronary heart disease and heart attack is the underlying cause of death for almost 25,000 Australians every year. Among Indigenous Australians, heart disease affects around one in eight people, with the 2004-2005 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]
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