The Arts

Celebrating arts & culture

Do you have a winning design?

deadlys dressed1Think you’re pretty handy with the sewing machine or are you an up-and-coming Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander designer? How would you like to win a Deadly?

This year at the 2013 Deadly Awards you have a chance to win one by entering the Deadly Dressed competition.

The competition gives you the opportunity to express who you are by wearing or showcasing an outfit that represents you and your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage.

What you create is up to you. You can represent yourself anyway you want, from wearing traditional dress to creating a designer gown with authentic Aboriginal designed fabric or other elements of your land or history.

There are two categories that you can submit your design in. The professional category is for designers, dressmakers, tailors and design students who have designed, tailored and made an outfit that represents their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage. The outfit can be modelled by the entrant or a model provided by the entrant.

The community category is for anyone who has styled, painted or altered an existing outfit to represent themselves, their community and culture. Community entrants must model their own designs.

It’s very important that your costume recognises the fact that any cultural material on which your costume is developed is authorised by the traditional owners of the material.

All finalists and models in the Deadly Dressed competition will get to walk the Deadlys red carpet, receive one ticket to the Deadly Awards and the famous after party.

Winners of each category will receive a prestigious Deadly Award alongside the other Deadly Award winners for 2013.

Entrants must be 18 years old and of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent and entries close at 5pm Monday, August 26, 2013.

For more information please email [email protected] or call 02 9361 0140.

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