Football Injuries
Football is one of Australia’s most-loved sports. Being such a high-contact sport, football brings with it many player injuries. Injuries commonly associated with football occur to the head and the upper and lower limbs, as well as over-use injuries. Injuries common in rugby league and rugby union include those to the lower and upper limbs, […]
ASTHMA Asthma is a condition that affects the breathing tubes (bronchioles) in the lungs. During an asthma attack the muscles in these tubes tighten, causing the bronchioles to contract and shrink. A person suffering from an asthma attack finds it very difficult to breathe, and this can often be accompanied by a wheezing noise and/or […]
Sacred Heart School (Beagle Bay Broome WA)
Winner: Tessimah Bin Maarus School: Sacred Heart School (Beagle Bay Broome WA) The Vibe/DETYA team then took to the air and headed for Broome for the second barbeque. The team arrived in Beagle Bay near Broome and headed for Sacred Heart School, where again the weather was great and the day went according to plan. […]
Shine on
Want healthy hair? Follow these simple tips. To have great hair, you need to be healthy on the inside as well as the outside. That means you need to eat the right foods. Essential fatty acids that you can get from whole grains, fresh nuts and dark green leafy vegetables help to improve the texture […]
Heading Out Bush
It’s a great time of year to go bush! So why not pack yourself a bag and go out on a bushwalk or camp out under the stars. But when you’re heading out bush, it is important to be well organised to avoid getting sick or hurt. Plan your trip within your physical abilities and […]
Your Rights and Responsibilities
If the police ask you to come to the police station with them, you may not have to go. Ask them why they want you to come to the police station, and whether you have to go. If they say that you’re under arrest, politely ask “What for”? or “What is the charge?”. If you […]
Fuelled for footy
Australian Rules football is a popular sport, played by children from primary school age and upwards, at a variety of levels. It is a strenuous game and all players, amateurs and professionals alike, should take their diet and nutrition seriously if they want to perform at their best on the field. An AFL match lasts […]
Some people go through life making themselves and others miserable by being angry and frustrated. These people may need to challenge their anger to find out if other feelings such as hurt, rejection, sadness or loneliness may be being covered up by their anger, and try to face those feelings. Strengthen yourself by developing your […]
Quairading District High School (WA)
Winner: Mirika Winmar School: Quairading District High School (WA) We are off to celebrate our first Deadly Vibe/ DETYA Barbeque. Mirika Winmar was waiting when we arrived at Quairading District High School with our very special guest May O’Brien. Mr Rowlie Mellor, the school principal very kindly invited Deadly Vibe and DETYA to join in […]
No Bones About It
Keep your bones healthy now and you’ll thank yourself later. Osteoporosis affects one in three women and one in eight men across the world. It is a condition that causes the bones to become brittle and fracture or break easily. Although it mostly affects older women, there are things you can do to keep you […]
If In Doubt, Just Chill Out
The end of the year can send people into a spin! There always seems so much to do around the end of the year, including Christmas celebrations, school holidays and the New Year. It is the holiday season, a time when we get together with family and friends to enjoy each other’s company and have […]
What to eat during pregnancy
Pregnancy is something many women experience at some stage in their lives. It’s one of the most exhilarating, frustrating, scary, thrilling and confusing times ever. There’ll be days when you’re miserable and days when you’re over the moon. There’ll be days when the thought of caring for a baby frightens you and days when you […]
Ear Health
As the summer months settle in I’m sure most of you will be hitting the beach or the local pool. But beware, the easiest things to infect while you’re in the water are your ears! Ear infections are very common; each year one in 100 people consult a doctor with the problem. They often occur […]
Attention – Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)
It has been said that suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is like being blindfolded and placed in a strange room with nothing to guide you by. Everyone else can see where they’re going, but you’re left to stomp around in the dark. As a result you constantly trip over all the things that have been […]
Cherisse Buzzacott
Story: She’s TER-iffic! A student from the Northern Territory records a top TER. Finishing year 12 is a pretty deadly achievement. All those years of school, the hours of study required to pass, the pressure and the stress of those final exams – it’s a wonder anyone manages it at all. But one young woman […]
Kidney disease – Prevention is better than cure
The incidence of kidney failure in some Aboriginal communities is 30 times that of the national average. Don’t let it happen to you. Kidney disease in Indigenous communities is now been proclaimed as a “national tragedy”, according to Kidney Health Australia. The only way that this tragedy can be reversed is through early detection and […]
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