Fruit and Nuts
Favourite summer squelchers! It’s summer again and all the fruits are ripe for the picking. Don’t waste time, there are so many fruity treats to taste and so many ways to enjoy them. They are a great source of many essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a wide variety of fruits and trying different kinds helps […]
Bringing Them Home – You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
Bringing Them Home counsellors came into existence in the late ’90s in response to the growing number of Indigenous families dealing with the effects of the Stolen Generations. Sandy Laughton is a Bringing Them Home (BTH) counsellor at the Goondir Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service in Dalby, Queensland. Goondir Health Service looks after […]
Challa Gardens Public School and Alberton Primary School (Adelaide SA)
Winner: Tjimarri Sanderson-Milera and Rebecca Gray School: Challa Gardens Public School and Alberton Primary School (Adelaide SA) ADELAIDE SIZZLES FOR A SYDNEY SWAN The Deadly Vibe BBQ team jetted in to Adelaide on Thursday, 20 June to reward two students who had won the ‘Take An Ambassador To School – My Story’ essay-writing competition. Sponsored […]
Early Warning
The Pap smear – a simple test that can save your life. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and curable of all cancers. Despite this, each year in Australia more than 300 women die from it. But the good news is, up to 90 per cent of the most common type of cervical […]
Kidneys filter waste from the blood, remove excess water from the body, maintain the proper balance of salts and acids in the body and produce vital hormones that control blood pressure, bone strength and the production of red blood cells. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer remove waste and maintain the level […]
Safe Sex
There are a lot of things to think about when you spend the night with someone and have sex. In particular, you need to be careful about sexually transmitted diseases or STDs There are all sorts of STDs Things like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and hepatitis. You might know them by other names like pox, crabs […]
Flu Jab
Flu can be a killer. Winter is flu season and it’s on the way. Many people think that because flu is so common, that it’s not serious. But it is. The flu can really kill people. It can be a real problem if you’re in a high-risk group such as older people, people who already […]
Being Bullied?
Bullying can occur at any time in a person’s life – at school, home or work. Most bullying, however, occurs at school. If people call you names, deliberately exclude you from activities, or attempt to cause you physical or emotional harm, then you are being bullied. Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things […]
Delroy High School. (Dubbo NSW)
Winner: Wesley Middleton School: Delroy High School. (Dubbo NSW) WESLEY MEETS HIS FOOTY HERO Wednesday, 27 February was an important date for Dubbo’s Delroy High School. Year 8 student Wesley Middleton had won the ‘Take an Ambassador to School’ essay-writing competition and the Vibe team was travelling to the central New South Wales town to […]
Hot Cars Kill
If you’re going to leave your car, take your kids with you. Children can die in hot cars. According to Kidsafe (the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia), on a typical summer’s day the temperature inside a parked car can rise to as much as 30 to 40 degrees higher than the outside temperature. That […]
Avoid The Winter Flu Blues
The latest flu strains are heading our way, but thankfully so are the latest vaccines for influenza, as well as those for pneumococcal infections (such as pneumonia and meningitis). The Australian Government is once again making these vaccines available for free to all Aboriginal Medical Services, GPs and community health centres – so if the […]
Scabies is an infectious disease in which tiny insects or parasitic mites called scabies fester under the skin. The wingless female burrows under the skin and lays up to three eggs per day. This causes zigzag marks to appear on the skin that become extremely irritated and itchy, and look like a red rash. The […]
Stay Fit
Summer is the season most likely to separate the fit from the unfit. Sometimes all it takes is a swimming cossie to confirm this. Other times fitness means the difference between being able to run around and have fun or not. When the sun is out, the water cool and the sand toasty, who wants […]
Becoming A Parent
When you become a parent, everything changes. Just like that. There isn’t a book, video or pep talk that can wholly prepare you for the responsibility of bringing a little being into the world, then bringing them up. Becoming a parent is also a very emotional experience, especially if you’re a first-timer. That said, it […]
Platsburg Public School (Newcastle NSW)
Winner: Emma Honery School: Platsburg Public School (Newcastle NSW) THE NEWCASTLE CONNECTION! Back on 24 September 2001, Vibe barbeque queens Denise Wilson and Alicia Coughlan of the Vibe team set out to reward 11-year-old Emma Honery of Platsburg Public School in Newcastle with a special barbeque event. Emma entered the ‘Take an Ambassador to School’ […]
A Growing Concern
Drinking alcohol can damage your unborn baby. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is brain damage and other disorders that can be caused to children through women drinking during their pregnancy. This is because alcohol interferes with the normal development of a foetus (the baby growing in the womb). FASD includes: Foetal alcohol syndrome Growth retardation; […]
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