The Beat Goes On

On its fourth visit to the South Australian town of Murray Bridge, the Vibe 3on3™ once again attracted a large number of the community’s young Indigenous people for an eventful two days of basketball and hip hop activity. Held over the weekend of November 26 and 27 at Murray Bridge High School, the Vibe 3on3™ […]

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Shepparton Shapes Up

The Vibe 3on3 returned to regional Victorian town of Shepparton for the second time recently for another huge dose of basketball and deadly hip hop vibes. Held at the Shepparton Sports Stadium on the 8th and 9th of October, the Vibe 3on3 once again showcased just some of the exceptional talent that within Shepparton’s large […]

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3on3 Hits the Outback

Now in its fifth year, the Vibe 3on3™ continues to travel around the nation, bringing a very important message to remote Aboriginal communities and regional centres. Running the Vibe 3on3™ for the first time in a new location takes a great deal of preparation and hard work from both the Vibe crew and the local […]

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The Vibe 3on3™ came to the Kimberleys for the first time last month, paying a visit to the picturesque community of Kununurra. Known for its sweeping rock formations and breathtaking scenery, Kununurra became host with the most in the last weekend of July, as the community welcomed the Vibe 3on3™. Participants and spectators turned out […]

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Yirrkala Shines Through

On the weekend of July 16 and 17, the Vibe 3on3™ made its return to the vibrant and colourful community of Yirrkala in the Northern Territory, once again enjoying a magical weekend of basketball and hip hop fun on the shores of the Arafura Sea. The stars of the Yirrkala event have always been the […]

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The Little Red Yellow Black Book

A new book offers a new understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia. There is so much to know and learn about Indigenous Australia. But for someone who wants to get to grips with the whole story, where do you start? Right here, with The Little Red Yellow Black Book. The Little Red Yellow […]

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Mum’s the Word

Chris Sandow isn’t the only high achiever in his family. Meet his mum, Rhonda. Rhonda Sandow is on a mission to improve the lives of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – in her community and beyond. Rhonda recently graduated from the Certificate IV in Community Service Protective Care course through Southern Queensland Institute […]

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Michael Tuahine

The eternally charming TV host with the most Michael Tuahine switches on to the Deadly Vibe Celebrity Health quiz. Tell us about your diet – do you eat enough fruit and vegies? I make sure I have at least two pieces of fruit every day. Apples and watermelon are my favourite. I think all vegies […]

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Fit For Life (Fitness)

Getting fitter requires a marriage of your mind and your body – by putting your thoughts into action you will literally be able to physically see and feel the results. Once you’ve started taking those first steps towards a healthier, better you, it’s important to stay motivated so you can keep moving forward. The best […]

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Be Alert. Stop AIDS.

December 1, 2008, is the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. In 1988, the World Health Organisation declared the first World AIDS Day in an effort to raise public awareness about HIV/AIDS. World AIDS Day is now recognised and observed by millions of people in more than 190 countries around the world, and is a […]

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Get Moving! (Exercise)

A new year brings the promise of fresh beginnings and is a great time to start improving your fitness. Whatever your age, weight or level of fitness, everyone can enjoy the benefits of exercise. In fact the benefits start from the moment you take that first step. Your cardiovascular health, the beating of your heart […]

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Why sleep is good for you

Here’s the good news if you are starting an exercise program: sleep is really important. Most people need eight hours of sleep a night and recent research suggests teenagers may need more, up to nine or 10 hours, because their bodies are growing and changing. But that should be solid, uninterrupted time sleeping and does […]

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Give the gift of life this Christmas – give blood.

While one in three Australians will need blood at some stage during their lifetime, only one in 30 give it. But giving blood is quick, free and painless – and you can make a difference to the lives of thousands of Australians just by making regular donations. The Australian Red Cross Blood Service has a […]

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Warm Up For Summer

Summer is almost here! To help you get ready for the best summer of your life, we’ve put together our Vibe Health top tips to keep you and your family safe and healthy this summer! Slip Slop SlapAccording to the Cancer Council, skin cancers account for around 80 per cent of all newly diagnosed cancers, […]

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Joy to the World (Happiness)

What is happiness? And how do you get it? We all want to be happy in our lives, but how do we go about achieving it? According to research, it’s got less to do with fame and fortune and a lot more to do with things much closer to home. The word “happiness” encompasses a […]

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Hairy Helpers

If you see more moustaches this month, never fear – it’s just Movember! Movember is an annual charity event held during the month of November that aims to raise funds for and awareness of men’s health issues – specifically prostate cancer and male depression. Men who register to take part in Movember spend the month […]

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