
Our people doing great things

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Tour De Force In Taree

The Vibe 3on3® enjoyed a triumphant return to Taree on the weekend of March 1 and 2, with the community turning out in massive numbers to join in the basketball, hip hop and health living action.

Participants also travelled from as far afield as Forster, Newcastle and Kempsey to take part in this popular travelling youth festival.

“Although we expected Taree to have a big turnout, the numbers that turned up far exceeded our expectations,” Vibe 3on3® event producer Mayrah Butt said after the event. “It was one of the biggest 3on3s in the event’s nine year history.”

Joining the Vibe crew in Taree was former Australian Idol Casey Donovan, who recently released her new EP Eye 2 Eye. Casey spent the weekend teaching the young participants about singing in the special Talent Development Project (TDP) Vibe Stars tent. Young hopefuls who take part in the TDP have the chance to win a trip to Sydney to take part in a TDP scholarships session.

The local Aboriginal health service, Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre, was also in attendance at the event. The Biripi team hosted a health stall over the weekend, giving locals a chance to learn more about health services available to them.

The Vibe 3on3® is a two day Aboriginal youth weekend festival that incorporates basketball, dancing, art, culture and health. We aim to promote healthy lifestyles, strengthen communities and boost self-esteem.

The Vibe 3on3® is also an excellent opportunity for health services and related organisations to introduce themselves to the wider community. For more information, go to

The Vibe 3on3® would not be possible without our sponsors Rio Tinto Aboriginal Foundation, the Department of Health and Ageing through the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and the Department of Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts.

Local sponsors who helped make the Taree 3on3 possible were Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre, the Taree Basketball Association, Ngarralinyi Community Radio, Greater Taree City Council and Ghinni Ghinni Youth & Aboriginal Culture Centre.

A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who gave of their time to help run the massive two day event.

A special thanks also to the driving force behind the event in Taree, Garry Stephen, Leonie Morcome and the local committee for their generosity and cooperation in pre event preparations.

For all media enquiries, please call Mayrah Butt at Vibe Australia on
(02) 9361 0140 or contact [email protected]


Boys 10 and Under
Team Name: Taree Kings
1. Keenan Bell
2. Tyram Moriarty
3. Nayden Moriarty
4. Byron Bell
Presenter: Gary Stephen
Organisation: Taree Basketball Association

Boys 12 and Under
Team Name: Biripi Ballers
1. Jardin Morcome
2. Jerome Clarke
3. Latrell Mitchell
4. Shaq Mitchell
Presenter: Harry Callaghan
Organisation: Ghinni Ghinni Youth Services

Boys 14 and Under
Team Name: KMC
1. William Smith
2. Judah Fatnowna
3. Jordan Scholes
Presenter: Ellie Callaghan
Organisation: Ghinni Ghinni Youth Services

Boys 16 and Under
Team Name: AD All stars
1. Aaron Ralph
2. Darren Wright
3. Joseph Witchard
Presenter: Karen Cochrane
Organisation: Greater Taree City Council

Boys 18 and Under
Team Name: Bush Turkeys
1. Yarren Donovan
2. Leon McClintock
3. Kye Riley
4. Courtney Perin
Organisation: Greater Taree City Council

Boys Open
Team Name: Nike Aeros
1. Zane Dumas
2. Kye Davis
3. Jay Simon
4. Anthony Morris
Presenter: Evelyn Jacobs
Organisation: Kempsey Basketball Association

Girls 10 and Under
Team Name: Koori Dream Sistas
1. Simone McDonald
2. Talia Simon
3. Michaela Cray
4. Amber Grant
Presenter: Leonie Morcome
Organisation: Biripi AMS

Girls 12 and Under
Team Name: South Side Girls
1. Nakia Welsch
2. Tiffany Ritchie
3. Stacey Cooper
Presenter: Dominique Clarke
Organisation: Greater Taree City Council

Girls 14 and Under
Team Name: Lovely Black Gins
1. Jamika Clarke
2. Amy Lindsay
3. Jasmin Saunders
4. Lydia Clarke
Presenter: Janine Cochrane
Organisation: Biripi AMS

Girls 16 and Under
Team Name: Von Dutch
1. Nichola Fodeades
2. Ashleigh Fodeades
3. Olivia Crawford
4. Rachel Fitzsimmons
Presenter: Michelle Fodeades
Organisation: Whitebridge High School

Girls 18 and Under
Team Name: Ginz
1. Colleena Smith
2. Lintara Saunders
3. Lizzy Saunders
4. Tara Clark
Presenter: Rae Madden
Organisation: Taree Basketball & Netball Association

Girls Open
Team Name: Who You
1. Jakaya Dixon
2. Christine Wright
3. Stacey Rogers
4. Kristie Smith
Presenter: Ruth Waite
Organisation: Kempsey Basketball Association

TDP Vibe Stars
1. Emily Jane Bradley
2. Meghan Clanfield
3. Haylee Moore
4. Olivia Clarke
5. Ray Sheam Clarke
6. Tonkya Jamieson
Presenter: Casey Donavan, Brendan & Tessa

TDP Stars Winners
1. Emma Callaghan
Presenter: Councillor Allan Tickle

Best Art House Team
Team Name: LBG’s
1. Kristen Simon
2. Marley Marr
3. Jamie Donovan
4. Marinda Clarke
Presenter: Adam Hill

Lil Vibes – Boys
1. Trey Clarke
Presenter: Jai Pittman

Break Off Girls
1st Tiffany Ritchie
2nd Christine Wright
3rd Anthony Morris
Presenter: Rachel and Medika

Break Off Boys
1st Warren Buchanan
2nd Shane Morcome
3rd Anthony Morris
Presenter: Isaac Parsons

Puggy Hunter
Name: Jayden Dunne
Presenter: Claude Williams
Vibe Australia

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