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My Country: Paulette Whitton

My name is:   Paulette Whitton

My Job Is:   Acting Program Manager, Koori Radio, Sydney

My mob Is:   I’m from northwest NSW and over the border into Queensland. Both of my parents are Aboriginal. My mum’s people come from Goodooga NSW and Hebel in Queensland. My dad’s people come from Burra Bee Dee Mission at Coonabarabran in Gamilaraay Country. But dad is part of the Stolen Generations and grew up in the Kinchela Boys Home.

I Live In:   Western Sydney, the home of the Darug People.

Brief History & Lifestyle: I grew up in Western Sydney and went to Blacktown Girl’s High School.

Ruby Langford suggested that I go to Radio Redfern. On my first day I was told that Uncle Jimmy Little was coming in for an interview. I was then told I was it – I was the one to interview Uncle Jimmy.  I kept coming back after that and did work experience at Radio Redfern until I finished school, right through Years 11 and 12.

Then I decided to go to uni (in Bathurst) because I wanted to be a DJ on radio, but I didn’t realise the Communications degree qualified you to become a journalist.

While I was at uni, I started stringing for the Koori Mail and doing test transmissions for Koori Radio whenever I was in town. After uni I worked for ABC TV and ABC Radio, and in 2002 went to work for Koori Radio doing Blackchat.

I like western Sydney and the opportunities city life brings. I’m near family and it’s where I grew up. I did go to Victoria when I was working for the ABC but I got homesick.

Description of Country: Country is where you belong. I have two countries, one in western Sydney and I have a strong affinity with it, but my mum’s Country is also my Country too.

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