New Year’s Blues

Some people plunge into the excitement of a new year but others plunge into depression, anxious about the 12 months ahead.

The end of a year is always a mad rush to get everything done, followed by indulgence and celebrations and the expectation that a new year will be bigger and better.

When reality doesn’t meet those expectations, often when returning to work or school after a holiday, then the blues can sink in, turning challenges into obstacles and making mountains out of molehills.

Here are some quick tips to keep the motivation going and meet the challenges of a new year:

Make lists. From chores that need to be done and things that can’t go another year without being fixed to goals for the next 12 months. Action each item and tick each one of as it is completed. You’ll be surprised how satisfying it is at the end of a day to see a page with every item ticked. New projects are particularly distracting.

Spend a bit more time with family and friends. The holidays are great for catching up for quality time with loved ones and having to return to a daily grind can make us realise how much we miss them. So make plans to catch up again soon. A surprise phone call can also cheer someone up, whether it’s one you make or one you get.

With all that indulgence and celebrating, the budget has to be brought into check. If you find you are scrapping to pay the bills, accept that you may have to cut back in some areas for a little while. If you plan this and commit, it shouldn’t drag on for too long.

The usual trio of healthy eating, exercise and proper rest are really important at this time of year. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Getting into the right patterns at the start of the year is a great base from which to build.

Remember if you can’t shake the blues and your depression continues or deepens, you should consider talking to your doctor.


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