Dean Widders

During the off-season, do you still need to look after your health and fitness?
Mentally it’s good to relax and take a break from hard training and strict diets, so when the off season is on I do have a break, but I still try to keep active and eat healthy. I also have to be careful not to put on to much weight!

When we go back to training, the pre-season is the hardest training of the year, so towards the end of the break I make sure I do heaps of training. I do this by playing tennis, basketball and touch footy, mixed in with some long running and swimming

Being a professional football player must be stressful – what do you do to relax?
To relax away from footy I like to watch movies, spend time with my family and friends and visit kids in the bush.

As a football player, why is it important not to smoke or drink?
There is no way I could get through the week at training if I drank or smoked, and I would definitely not be able to play at my best on the weekend. I have never smoked and I am a non drinker. It’s just something I have to sacrifice to make it to where I am today.

Any New Year’s resolutions?
My New Year’s resolution is to be as strict with my diet and training as I have ever been in my whole life. Playing football well comes so much easier when you do this

Do you visit your doctor regularly?
I see our club doctor all the time, and whenever I’m injured I spend heaps of time with the physiotherapist to make sure my injury is properly healed. You can’t leave health or physical problems and just hope they’ll go away – that way you just end up in more trouble in the long run


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