This Month – Puff Bunny

Having asthma shouldn’t mean that you can’t reach your goals. Just ask Joe. Joe Williams is 23 years old, a father of two and one of the NRL’s rising stars. He also has asthma. But Joe hasn’t let asthma stand in the way of his success with the South Sydney Rabbitohs ” he’s learned how […]

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Feature Story – We Are Family

Make the most of your family ” invest in some together time. This month, why not try and take some time out to spend with your family? Spending time together as a family can help to improve your physical and emotional well-being, and helps to keep your family strong. May 13 to 19 is National […]

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Feature Story – Health Round-Up

The latest in Indigenous health news from around Australia. Remote Babies at RiskIndigenous health researchers have found that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers who live in remote areas are 14 per cent less likely to have a healthy baby than mothers living in regional or city areas. Researchers from the School of Women’s and […]

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Vibe 3on3 – Hip Hop Challenge

What is Breaking, Rap and Hip-Hop? Breaking is an acrobatic style of competitive dancing comprised of a number of discrete, energetically choreographed moves and routines. Breaking originated in the black and Hispanic street cultures of New York City’s South Bronx and Harlem boroughs in the early 1970s. One of the reasons breaking became – and […]

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Kevin Fong

Who’s Who Worker Profile: Kevin Fong As Lord Mayor of Broome and managing director of Goolarri Media Enterprises, Kevin Fong doesn’t get much time to himself. But that doesn’t bother this Broome fulla, who has a passion for fishing, family and Indigenous rights. When asked how he juggles all his responsibilities – including being a […]

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Mick Stevens

Who’s Who Worker Profile: Mick Stevens More than taking the heat There is one job like no other, a job requiring employees to be educators, counsellors, safety advisers, community workers, public speakers and instructors as well as rescuers. The job is tough ” the job is being a firefighter. But as diverse as the job […]

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Doctor Ngarie Brown

Who’s Who Worker Profile: Doctor Ngiare Brown By the time Ngiare Brown was in primary school she knew she wanted to be a doctor. No one else in Ngiare’s family had ever gone into medicine, but that didn’t stop them from getting right behind her. “I had a very supportive family and community,” says Ngiare. […]

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Job Planning

SELF – EVALUATION A process of self-evaluation can help you define your career preferences, to analyse what is important to you in a job and the organisation that employs you, and be better prepared for the interview itself. This exercise will also help you gain a greater awareness of your potential and the value of […]

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Finding Out About The Employment Situation

One of the steps in your job planning is to determine how far you are willing to travel. Are you willing to move? ยท Only on a daily travel basis from your present address? Anywhere in your home State? Interstate? Overseas? By answering these questions you will determine the boundaries of your job search.This, in […]

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Evaluate Your Progress – Take A Look At Yourself

Each time you look for jobs in the newspaper or hear friends discussing them, you will be working out your own suitability for that job. Whenever you write a job application (or attend an interview) you will be making an assessment of yourself and your potential. Your attempts to convince an employer of your value […]

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Job application

CONTACT EMPLOYERSWhen you have all the information about yourself and the labour market, the next step in your job search is to contact employers. This section outlines how to prepare a job application, including an introductory letter, and a statement of your qualifications and experience,which is known as a resume (pronounced rez-you-may) or curriculum vitae(CV). […]

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Example of a Resume

PERSONAL PARTICULARS NAME: May Susan PROSPER DATE OF BIRTH: 22 August 1968 ADDRESS: 300 Georgiades Street, Greenacre, Vic. 3999 TELEPHONE: 9999-1111 MARITAL STATUS: Single (Optional) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Secondary Education 1977-1986 Castleton High School, Evanrodd Higher School Certificate subjects studied: Tertiary Education 1987-1990 University of Sydbourne Subjects studied for Degree Course in Economics Degree of Bachelor […]

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Interview Techniques

PURPOSE OF THE INTERVIEW The interview gives you and the employer the opportunity to discuss your interest in, and ability to, undertake the job. For you: An opportunity to convince the employer of your potential as an employee. An opportunity to find out more about the job you want and about the employer and his […]

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Preparation For The Interview

As the interviewer will be comparing your attributes with those of other applicants, preparation is essential if you are to present yourself successfully. Prepare yourself in the following ways: Obtain background information about the organisation. Find out about: -Its structure and range of activities What products and services it offers its customers and where its […]

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At The Interview

Having made what preparations you can, nothing remains but to make as good an impression as possible on the day. This is best achieved by the following: Dress appropriately. Extremes in fashion or very casual clothes should generally be avoided. Make sure your overall appearance is neat and clean-employers look at these details. Watch out […]

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How Do You Rate An Interview

Have you ever wondered how a personnel officer, who might see 16 to 20 applicants a day can possibly sum people up well enough to know whether he or she wants to follow up certain applicants and not others? Have you ever wondered why one applicant, whose qualifications were less than spectacular, got called back […]

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