Back to Basics (Spine Damage)

The wrong schoolbag can damage your back. Recent research has revealed that up to 70 per cent of students may be damaging their spines by carrying their schoolbag incorrectly. Macquarie University in NSW recently surveyed a group of students, and found that 70-75 per cent of them displayed some form of lower or upper body […]

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Power of the Pooch

Hayfever – something to sneeze at. Hayfever sufferers know the misery of their condition all too well – red, itchy eyes, runny, stuffy nose, itchy throat and uncontrollable sneezing. For those who don’t suffer from this affliction, you may think of hayfever as something that only happens in spring. But hayfever can happen at any […]

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All About Gout (Foot Health)

Despite the fact that many have never heard of it, gout is one of the world’s oldest-known diseases. Soccer fans would have read about Socceroos’ star Harry Kewell being stuck down with a case of gout during the recent World Cup, leading him to miss out on Australia’s second round match against Italy, which saw […]

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Keeping Our Kids Safe (Family Health)

You can’t be there to protect your kids every moment of every day. But there is plenty you can do to educate your kids and gain their trust. Here are some great tips for parents and carers, to keep our kids safe. Listen to them Try to understand what they’re saying and doing ” and […]

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Coming to a Head (Boils)

Most of us will develop a boil at some stage ” those unsightly and often painful sores on the skin. A boil is a localised infection deep in the skin that usually starts as a reddened, tender area that over time becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the centre of the boil fills up with pus, […]

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Nit Picking (Head Lice)

Ugh, head lice! So how do you stop these nasty critters from running riot? Head lice are itchy little buggers that can spread through a classroom like wildfire, unless you stop them in their tracks. What are head lice?Head lice are tiny little wingless insects that live, feed and breed on the human scalp. They’ve […]

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Body Talk (Allergies)

What’s bugging you? Allergies explained. An allergy is your body’s reaction to a food or substance that might not bother other people. It’s basically your boy’s way of telling you it doesn’t like something. Some of the most common allergies include pollen from flowers, dust, animal fur, nuts, eggs and milk. Allergies can show themselves […]

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Belly Busters (Stomach Ulcers)

They can be painful, but stomach ulcers are easy to treat. A stomach ulcer is a break in or damage to the protective lining of the stomach. This lining is there to protect your stomach from the strong acid and gastric juices that are used to digest your food. Up until recently, it was believed […]

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Seeing Spots? (Acne)

Acne – the bane of every teenager’s life. So what can be done? Acne is a skin problem that affects a lot of people in their teens. During this time, your body produces more of the male hormone testosterone, which causes your skin to produce more oil. This oil blocks pores, causing bacteria to grow. […]

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Nature’s Nasties (Bites)

Do you know what to do if you encounter one of these creatures? Australia is famous for its many venomous creatures. A lot of these creatures are more commonly encountered in the summer months, so it’s important to be alert if you’re outside. Some of the more dangerous venomous creatures are: The Funnel Web SpiderThe […]

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Total Fire Plan (Bush Fire)

Bushfires are a fact of life in Australia ” are you prepared? Every summer we hear about bushfires threatening the homes and lives of people all over Australia. You may have even witnessed a bushfire before. If you live in an area that is at risk of bushfires, you need to be prepared, and have […]

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Pooped? (Chronic Fatigue)

A largely misunderstood illness that can really wear you out. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a largely misunderstood illness that causes extreme exhaustion. What are the symptoms?Sufferers can experience severe, disabling tiredness, especially after physical or mental exertion. Sleeping often fails to bring refreshment. Other symptoms include aching muscles and joints, headaches, a sore throat […]

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Breathe Easy (Asthma)

Don’t let asthma take the wind out of your sails. More than 2.2 million Australians suffer from asthma. People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs. When they’re exposed to certain things, or “triggers”, their airways become narrower, which makes it harder for them to breathe. What causes asthma?The cause of asthma is not […]

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A Major Concern (Body Image)

Our young fellas are worried ” about their bodies. Mission Australia’s 2007 National Survey of Young Australians ” Australia’s largest annual survey of young people ” has found that body image is the biggest worry for 11-24 year olds ” both males and females ” with one in three saying it was a major concern. […]

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We Are Family

Make the most of your family ” invest in some together time. This month, why not try and take some time out to spend with your family? Spending time together as a family can help to improve your physical and emotional well-being, and helps to keep your family strong. May 13 to 19 is National […]

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Mental Muscle (Fitness)

Getting in shape takes dedication and commitment ” but the results are worth it. Being a contestant on The Biggest Loser is no easy feat. You need to be mentally strong to keep going and to tackle the many gruelling challenges presented to you. When it comes to your own fitness regime, being mentally strong […]

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