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We Are Family

Make the most of your family ” invest in some together time.

This month, why not try and take some time out to spend with your family? Spending time together as a family can help to improve your physical and emotional well-being, and helps to keep your family strong.

May 13 to 19 is National Families Week. Timed to coincide with both the UN International Day of Families (15 May) and Mother’s Day (13 May), the theme for 2007 National Families Week is Families Investing in Time Together.

The emphasis of National Families Week 2007 is about reminding people that they are part of a family and that a family needs special tending if it is to be strong.
This National Families Week you’re encouraged to invest some time to celebrate the vital role of your family. Take the time to go for a family picnic, have that game of backyard cricket you planned all summer, catch up with friends or relatives for a walk in a local beauty spot or just spend some time talking and listening to all members of your family.
Families Australia offers these suggestions for things that you and your family can do together:

  • take a weekly family walk
  • hold a family reunion
  • cook the family’s favourite dish together
  • plant a tree for every family member
  • phone a relative
  • play a game together
  • have a barbeque in a park
  • get together with family, friends and neighbours
  • have a TV-free night once a week
  • share stories about family history

To fin out more about National Families Week and how you can get involved, go to


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