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Deadly Vibe Star Watch – Damien Armstrong

This story originally appeared in Deadly Vibe Magazine Issue #4 May, 1997

We have just opened The Vault – all the back stories from old editions – dating back to the 1990s. To know where we are going, it's important to understand where we have been. And that story you can follow in the Deadly Vibe Vault!

Name: Damien Armstrong

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Where are you from? Arrente

Band: NoKTuRNL}

Position in band: Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter

How old are you? 19

How did you get into music? By listening

What’s your favourite food? Kurra

What’s been the high point of your career so far? Starting a band and playing original material

What do you do inn your spare time? Make money and fix my car. I never have any spare time so these things never get done.

Do you play any sports? Rugby and kickboxing

What’s your favourite song? Sorrow – Pink Floyd

Besides your music what music do you listen to? I listen to Crimson/Talica/Public Enemy/Pink Floyd/Hendrix

What are you looking forward to in 1997? Getting heaps of gigs

Do you have a partner? Yes

If we opened up the top drawer of your bedside table what would we find? Nothing I throw all my clothes on the floor!

What makes you laugh? The last question and those who don’t know what they’re talking about.

What’s your favourite movie? “Wrong Side of the Road”

Who do you admire the most and why? Jimi Hendrix, because his music crossed borders and because he didn’t care what people said about him.

What do you like about yourself? My attitude

Where do you get your hair cut? I cut my own hair

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A singer in a famous rock band

Do you have a nickname? What is it? Yes, but it depends on who you ask.

What has been the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Being told that I was intelligent … for a black guy that is!

How would your best friend describe you? HE’S GOT A BAD ATTITUDE

Have you ever been in love? Nothing but music.

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