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Deadly Sounds Episode 1026 – Charles Prouse

The Supply Nation Connect 2014 Conference and Trade Show will be held at the Royal Randwick Racecourse on 26-27 May, culminating in a Gala Award’s night at the Sydney Town Hall. Charles Prouse, CEO of Supply Nation, spoke to Deadly Sounds about Connect 2014 and Supply Nation’s objectives.

“We’re really about supporting the Indigenous business sector and helping Indigenous businesses connect with government and corporate Australia so that they can win contracts,” says Charles.

“We want to see a thriving Indigenous business sector, for those Indigenous businesses to grow, to get more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders into business.”

The businesses involved cover a variety of industries and, to date, Supply Nation has more than 240 certified Indigenous businesses.

“They’re operating businesses from catering to cleaning to photography, to mining, civil earthworks, environmental and land management, architecture, engineering, transport, waste collection…the list just keeps going on and on,” says Charles.

“There’s nothing that our mob can’t do. There’s a lot of money to be made if you’re a smart business person.”

If you have a small business and would be interested in Supply Nation, what is involved?

“In order to be a supplier under our umbrella, you have to meet certain criteria which means you have to be a minimum 51% Indigenous owned, managed and controlled,” says Charles.

“Also, you have to be for profit, so we don’t play in the not-for-profit space with organisations and NGOs and others that have charity tax concessions.”

To find out more about Supply Nation and the Connect 2014 Conference and Trade, go to

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