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Goulburn Vibe 3on3® goes off with a bang!

Reconciliation at the grassroots level combined with the fun and excitement of a major event targeting young people in Goulburn on Friday.

The National Indigenous Vibe 3on3 Basketball and Hip Hop Challenge, attracted around 480 students from Goulburn, Queanbeyan, Bowral, Sutton Forest and Yass who kicked off the inaugural Goulburn event with a bang.

Legendary performer Jimmy Little attended the event to deliver a healthy message about nutrition and singer/songwriter Nathan Foley entertained students with song. Indigenous rapper BrothaBlack delivered an energetic performance to an enthusiastic crowd, as did break dancer Medika Thorpe.

The Vibe 3on3® brought together Indigenous and non-Indigenous people for a fun free day of basketball, dancing, music, health and culture. The event encouraged sportsmanship, taught new skills and built self-esteem, as well as promoting reconciliation.

Vibe Australia managing director Gavin Jones declared the premier Goulburn 3on3 a success.

“This was the first time we’ve held this event in Goulburn and you could see students had lots of fun and were inspired by the day,” he said.

“Our events promote a healthy message, that they should avoid substance abuse, and look after themselves. We also provide positive role models to encourage kids to pursue their dreams,” he said.

The event was opened by Member for Goulburn Pru Goward who acknowledged the land’s traditional owners and thanked Mr Jones for bringing the event to Goulburn. In her opening address, she echoed the health messages delivered throughout the day.

“We all think we are immortal, but as we get older things hurt. We want you to be healthy, so you can enjoy life,” she said.

Goulburn Mulwaree Councillor and active youth worker Cr Carol James also thanked Mr Jones for bringing the Vibe 3on3® to Goulburn

“This is an absolutely awesome event,” she said.

The Vibe 3on3® was held at the Goulburn Basketball Stadium.

The Vibe 3on3® would not be possible without its sponsors Rio Tinto Aboriginal Foundation, the Department of Health and Ageing through the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Vibe Australia. We also thank our supporters the Koori Mail, Deadly Sounds and Deadly Vibe.

For all media enquiries, interviews or photos please call Maryann Weston at Vibe Australia on (02) 48 228230 or email on [email protected]

Caption: Jimmy Little addresses the crowd at the Goulburn 3on3. Photo: Andrew Rosenfeld

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