
Our people doing great things

Other Community topics: Events, Indigenous affairs, Organisations, People,

Photo Opportunity and Media Invite – Port Augusta

The countdown is on for Vibe Alive Port Augusta: 5th & 6th August 2009. Media are invited to attend a number of Vibe Alive events around the festival. All will take place at the Central Oval, Augusta Terrace, Port Augusta. Media are invited to attend:

The Community Thank You Night
Tuesday 4th August 6:30pm -8:30pm
The event is a chance for the Vibe Alive crew, organisers, volunteers, local council, media and Port Augusta community members to get together before the 2009 Port Augusta Vibe Alive festival kicks off. Finger food and refreshments will be provided and there will be special performances from some of our celebrity role-models.

The Vibe Alive Opening Ceremony
Wednesday 5th August 9:00am -10:00am
The 2009 Vibe Alive festival will be kicking off with a spectacular Opening Ceremony, which will feature a Welcome to Country from local Elders as well as special performances, including a song from Australian Idol Casey Donovan! All the participating students will be at this event, and it will be an exciting way to kick-off festivities before the activities begin.

The Community Film & Concert Night
Wednesday 5th August 6:30pm -9:00pm
Media are also invited to the Community Concert, held at 7:00pm on Wednesday August 5. The concert will feature performances by the students, as well as special appearances by Vibe Alive role models, including stars of the hit reality TV program So You Think You Can Dance? And, a huge fireworks display.

The Community Break-Off Night
Thursday 6th August 7:00pm -9:00pm
A FREE event for the whole community to attend and compete in Vibe’s famous break-off dance competition hosted by Casey Donovan & Dwayne Cross.

What is Vibe Alive?
Vibe Alive is a two day festival for young Australians of all backgrounds that promotes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and encourages tolerance and teamwork. Vibe Alive will be held in five locations in 2009, with the community of Port Augusta chosen as the only SA location for the festival’s 2009 program.

Vibe Alive incorporates music, sport, dance and art in a high-energy, youth-friendly setting with a carnival feel. Participants also have the opportunity to meet inspiring role models, learn about healthy living and career options and boost literacy and numeracy skills.

For more information about Vibe Alive, head to

For all media enquiries about Vibe Alive and to RSVP to the events, please contact Mayrah at Vibe Australia on (02) 9361 0140 or [email protected]. For onsite media enquiries please contact Mayrah on 0405 834 016.

Vibe Alive is proudly supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

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