Welcome To Dance School

Name: Greg Douglas Greg Douglas has taught high school for 32 years. A teacher of history and Aboriginal studies at the Hunter School of Performing Arts, Greg entered the profession because he says he loves the interaction with kids and filling their minds. “Teaching is not just about fact, but also the values you pass […]

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Melody Ingra

Name: Melody Ingra Melody Ingra of Gladstone, Queensland is focused on helping students to achieve their absolute best, and in the process she has certainly garnered the praise of her peers. Melody is the teacher with the Gladstone Indigenous Vocation Enterprise Network (GIVEN) program based at Toolooa State High School. GIVEN provides business and education […]

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Troy Ruttley

Name: Troy Ruttley Tracking down Troy Ruttley, May’s Teacher of the Month, was harder than expected but understandable, considering this 26-year-old splits his time between three jobs and community theatre projects. He works as an Aboriginal Education Advisor (AEA) at both St Gregory’s College in Campbelltown and Sarah Redfern Primary School in Minto. He also […]

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Hilton Donovan

Name: Hilton Donovan Hilton Donovan is a well-known face around Alexandria Park Community School (formerly known as Cleveland Street High School). He has been teaching Aboriginal studies there for the past 14 years! He also likes to use Deadly Vibe in the classroom, so we think he’s ace. “We use it when students are doing […]

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Fat Chance (Obesity)

As a country we’re getting fatter, and it’s not doing our health any favours. All over the world, more and more people are becoming overweight or obese. The World Health Organisation has called it a global epidemic; here in Australia, obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 20 years ” we are now […]

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Puff Bunny (Asthma)

Having asthma shouldn’t mean that you can’t reach your goals. Just ask Joe. Joe Williams is 23 years old, a father of two and one of the NRL’s rising stars. He also has asthma. But Joe hasn’t let asthma stand in the way of his success with the South Sydney Rabbitohs ” he’s learned how […]

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Just Kickin’ It! (Smoking)

Wanna ditch the durries? You don’t have to do it alone. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more deaths in the Indigenous population than either alcohol or petrol sniffing. More than 50 per cent of our mob smoke, and this is having a serious impact on our health and life expectancies. Dr Rowena Ivers, from the […]

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Don’t Blow It (Smoking)

Your smoking doesn’t just hurt you ” it hurts your family too. When you’re smoking, other people around you are also exposed to your cigarette smoke. When other people breathe that smoke in, this is called passive smoking. There are three types of passive smoke produced by cigarette smoking. They are: Mainstream smoke ” this […]

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Ditch Those Durries

Every single cigarette you smoke is harming your body. The list of health problems caused by smoking is literally endless. The problem is, most of us think that smoking-related illness only happens to old people who’ve been smoking all their lives. Wrong – smoking starts to hurt your health from the very first puff, no […]

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The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff Vitamins – we all need them, but how do we get them? We all need vitamins to keep our bodies healthy and in good working order. Vitamins are organic compounds that occur naturally in foods – our bodies can’t produce them ourselves, so you need to eat the right foods to provide […]

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Diabetes – the Black Plague?

It’s one of the biggest health problems facing our community. Make sure you have the facts. It might feel like everywhere you turn people are banging on about diabetes, but the fact is, diabetes is still affecting more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people than other Australians. A recent study by the Australian Institute of […]

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Liver Safe Life

Hepatitis C is spreading fast, but there are ways to protect yourself. Hepatitis C is the most reported infectious disease over the last 10 years in Australia, with an estimated 16,000 new infections every year. There are estimated to be approximately 242,000 people with hepatitis C in Australia, but more recently a survey indicated that […]

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Burning Up

New research highlights serious fever risk that’s hurting our kids. New research has found that Indigenous kids are being increasingly struck down by acute rheumatic fever while the rest of the population remains relatively unaffected. Rheumatic fever is an infection that is a delayed complication of an untreated throat infection (strep throat) . It’s an […]

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Fat Chance

Not all fats are bad. In fact, fat can be your friend! When you think of fat in food, the picture that first comes to mind is usually that of a steaming pile of greasy fish and chips, or deep fried Mars Bars smothered in ice-cream . . . . mmmmmnnn. But these are foods […]

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Our Health, Our Future

Together we are building a happier, healthier community. The recent release of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2004-2005 revealed that there are still lots of health problems in our community. But it also showed that we are becoming more responsible about getting the health care we need. According to the survey, […]

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Tummy Troubles

Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition, but one that can be managed. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory condition that affects the gastrointestinal tract – the part of your digestive system where your body processes food and gets rid of waste. It includes the oesophagus, stomach, liver, intestines, and rectum. It’s a long-term medical problem that […]

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