Shiny Happy People (Emotional Health)

Take a holistic approach to your emotional health and you’ll be smiling in no time. One area of Indigenous health that often gets overlooked is our mental health. Research has shown that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people suffer higher rates of social and emotional well-being problems than other Australians. In fact, depression is on […]

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Happy Families

What can you do to make your family a happier one? The word “family” can mean pretty much anything these days, from the traditional family structure of two parents and their children living together to single parents, step-parents and extended families. But whatever type of family you belong to, there are certain things that can […]

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Moon Walker (Sleepwalking)

Some of us go walking in our sleep ” but why? Sleepwalking is a fascinating, but often misunderstood condition that is more common in children ” around 15 per cent of children sleepwalk regularly compared to around two per cent of adults. Sleepwalking can be anything from sitting up in bed to getting up and […]

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Night Noises (Snoring)

v align=”right”> Snoring can do a lot more than just annoy other people. Whether it’s a thunderous roar or a whistling snuffle, snoring can be extremely annoying to those around you. But even worse than the noise that emanates from a snorer’s gaping mouth is the health problems that this conditon can cause. What’s that […]

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High Stakes (Gambling)

We all enjoy a bit of a flutter once in a while. But for some people, gambling is a debilitating addiction. Approximately two per cent of all Australians, or 330,000 people, have a gambling problem. Problem gambling destroys careers and relationships, breaks up families and often leaves the gambler with insurmountable debts that they ultimately […]

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All the Rage (Anger)

align=”left”>Anger doesn’t have to be a bad thing ” learn how to control it and you can make that negative a positive. Getting angry doesn’t just cause problems at work, at home or at the traffic lights, it can also be damaging to your health. Flying off the Handle Anger is a very strong emotion […]

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Good Boy! (Pets)

Man’s best friend could help reduce violence in our communities. The link between a dog and its human is a complex blend of companionship, mythology and interdependence. Understanding the role that the dog plays in the life of the community is the first step towards enhancing the lives of the dogs and inevitably, improving the […]

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Split Decision (Divorce)

Going though a divorce ” remember that kids come first. Going through a divorce is a pretty tough time for everyone involved. Parents who are separating can often be so caught up in all the stress and problems involved in the ending of a relationship that they forget about what matters most ” the kids. […]

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Keeping Yourself Safe (Abuse)

Child abuse is ALWAYS wrong, and is NEVER the child’s fault. Here are some tips to help you stay safe, and to teach you what to do if something happens. Who do you trust? Identify the people that you trust most in the world . This might be your mum or dad, your grandparents, your […]

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What a Hoot! (Laughter)

No joke ” laughter really is the best medicine. Everyone enjoys a good laugh. But did you know that laughter is more than just fun; it’s actually really good for you? Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter range from strengthening your immune system and reducing stress to increasing your tolerance to pain. […]

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Worry Worts (Anxiety)

Don’t let anxiety rule your life ” there is help available. We all feel anxious from time to time. But sometimes that anxiety can become so severe that it interferes with your life. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common forms of mental illness, and affect nearly everyone at some stage. However, some people […]

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A Real Menace (Bullying)

Stop the bullies and keep our schools safe. Research has shown that around 20 per cent of students report being victims of bullying at least once a week. This figure could be even higher, because many problems are never reported. This is pretty worrying, considering that bullying has been shown to cause low self-esteem, depression, […]

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Beating the Blues (Depression)

Depression is a serious illness that affects thousands of Australians. Despite the fact that it is one of the most common health problems in our society today, depression remains a misunderstood illness. Some facts on depression: Depression affects around one in every five people at some time in their life;Each year, almost 800,000 Australian adults […]

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In Good Company (Friendship)

Want to know to win friends and influence people? Be the friend you’d like to be Sometimes it can be hard to make, or keep, friends. Moving to a new town, going to a new school, or experiencing a big change in your life can put you in a position where you might lose contact […]

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Game Plan (Video Games)

Computer games are great ” in moderation. Video and computer games have come a long way since the days of Space Invaders. These days the technology is so advanced, playing a game is like experiencing a virtual reality in another world. There are lots of good things about computer games. For one, they’re heaps of […]

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Stir Crazy (ADHD)

Healthy Vibe takes a look at a largely misunderstood condition. A lot of us may have heard of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but very few of us understand what it really is. What is ADHD? People who suffer from ADHD have trouble concentrating on things like school work or when there’s lots going on […]

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