Cancer answers

Cancer is one of the most feared – and the most misunderstood – diseases. Although it’s often thought to be a disease that old people get, cancer rates among young people are getting higher. And Indigenous Australians are at a greater risk than the rest of the population. The most common cancers in Indigenous communities […]

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The relationship blues

Forming and keeping relationships should be fun and rewarding. A healthy relationship involves two people who feel good about themselves and each other. It allows for differences of opinions, accepts privacy and allows equal sharing of power and control. Basically, it is a calm relationship, not a frantic one, and it should be happy, enjoyable […]

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Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers that women – both young and old – have to deal with these days. Breast cancer is often thought of as a disease of ageing. This is because more than 70 per cent of cases occur in women over 50. However it is not unknown for […]

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Kidneys filter waste from the blood, remove excess water from the body, maintain the proper balance of salts and acids in the body and produce vital hormones that control blood pressure, bone strength and the production of red blood cells. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer remove waste and maintain the level […]

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Avoid The Winter Flu Blues

The latest flu strains are heading our way, but thankfully so are the latest vaccines for influenza, as well as those for pneumococcal infections (such as pneumonia and meningitis). The Australian Government is once again making these vaccines available for free to all Aboriginal Medical Services, GPs and community health centres – so if the […]

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Life’s A Beach

We all know it’s not hard to have fun at the beach, even if we are not surfers. The beach is a great place to go for a walk, lie in the sun or sit in the shade, play in the sand, go fishing, swim, scuba-dive or just simply explore. LOOK AFTER OUR BEACHES CLEAN […]

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Heading Out Bush

It’s a great time of year to go bush! So why not pack yourself a bag and go out on a bushwalk or camp out under the stars. But when you’re heading out bush, it is important to be well organised to avoid getting sick or hurt. Plan your trip within your physical abilities and […]

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If In Doubt, Just Chill Out

The end of the year can send people into a spin! There always seems so much to do around the end of the year, including Christmas celebrations, school holidays and the New Year. It is the holiday season, a time when we get together with family and friends to enjoy each other’s company and have […]

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Hold onto your dreams

What a talented bunch of people fill the pages of Deadly Vibe. We have Christine Anu, Troy Cassar-Daley, Anthony Mundine, Kyle Vander-Kuyp, Aaron Pedersen, Cathy Freeman and Deb Mailman, just to name a few. These are people who have achieved at the top level in their fields, from all around Australia, who have been voted […]

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How can a person determine his or her ideal weight? Ideas about ideal weight vary from generation to generation and culture to culture. Obesity is often looked upon as a mark of distinction in some societies where food is scarce, because it indicates that a person has enough money to eat well. Some Polynesian cultures […]

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Warm Up, Cool Down

Exercise is fun and healthy to do. But before working out, jogging, doing an exercise class or playing any type of sport, it is very important that you warm your body up. Warm-ups improve performance and help prevent injury, because good muscular contractions are dependant on temperature. A warm-up increases muscle temperature, which in turn […]

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Millions of people around the world have some form of tinnitus, ranging from mild to severe. Some of us may have experienced ringing in the ears for a short period after seeing a live band or going to a rock concert. Everybody’s tinnitus noise is individual to them, and it is like hearing a ringing, […]

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Tattooing is a process in which the skin is punctured with a sharp tool or needle in order to introduce a dye under the top layer. Practised in ancient Egypt and in many indigenous cultures, the art of tattooing spread from Egypt across the western world, appearing, disappearing and reappearing throughout recorded history. The first […]

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Stage fright

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be on stage in a performance and suddenly your mind goes blank? You can’t remember your lines or your next cue. This feeling is part of what is called stage fright. Stage fright is common, and is suffered in varying degrees by inexperienced and experienced […]

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Sole survivor

You do not have to be an athlete to get athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection on the feet and is quite a common infection. It is believed to affect up to 70 per cent of Australians at some stage during their lives. The fungus that causes this condition is called trichophyton […]

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Learn To Swim

Don’t take risks! Learn to swim! You should be able to swim, tread water or at least stay afloat if you are in, or near, the water. If you cannot, make sure there is an adult looking after you who can swim. Never overestimate your swimming ability Young people often think they are good swimmers […]

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