Beach Bugs

Now that summer is here, so is the danger of getting unwelcome attention from some of the creatures that live in the sea. Sea lice and jellyfish (such as bluebottles and box jellyfish) can turn a day at the beach into a tearfest in the sand dunes in minutes! Jellyfish If you are unfortunate enough […]

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The Big Chill

Brrrr! Depending on where you live, the winter months can bring about dramatic changes in climate and temperature. For those of you from areas that experience cold winters, take extra special care when outdoors. Being exposed to cold weather, even for a short period of time, can be dangerous if you are not adequately prepared. […]

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Bringing Them Home – You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

Bringing Them Home counsellors came into existence in the late ’90s in response to the growing number of Indigenous families dealing with the effects of the Stolen Generations. Sandy Laughton is a Bringing Them Home (BTH) counsellor at the Goondir Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service in Dalby, Queensland. Goondir Health Service looks after […]

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Being Bullied?

Bullying can occur at any time in a person’s life – at school, home or work. Most bullying, however, occurs at school. If people call you names, deliberately exclude you from activities, or attempt to cause you physical or emotional harm, then you are being bullied. Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things […]

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Becoming A Parent

When you become a parent, everything changes. Just like that. There isn’t a book, video or pep talk that can wholly prepare you for the responsibility of bringing a little being into the world, then bringing them up. Becoming a parent is also a very emotional experience, especially if you’re a first-timer. That said, it […]

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ASTHMA Asthma is a condition that affects the breathing tubes (bronchioles) in the lungs. During an asthma attack the muscles in these tubes tighten, causing the bronchioles to contract and shrink. A person suffering from an asthma attack finds it very difficult to breathe, and this can often be accompanied by a wheezing noise and/or […]

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Some people go through life making themselves and others miserable by being angry and frustrated. These people may need to challenge their anger to find out if other feelings such as hurt, rejection, sadness or loneliness may be being covered up by their anger, and try to face those feelings. Strengthen yourself by developing your […]

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Attention – Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)

It has been said that suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is like being blindfolded and placed in a strange room with nothing to guide you by. Everyone else can see where they’re going, but you’re left to stomp around in the dark. As a result you constantly trip over all the things that have been […]

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Health Round-Up

The latest in Indigenous health news from around Australia. Remote Babies at Risk Indigenous health researchers have found that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers who live in remote areas are 14 per cent less likely to have a healthy baby than mothers living in regional or city areas. Researchers from the School of Women’s […]

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A New Call for Justice

It’s time to Close the Gap. Join the campaign today. This month Australia celebrates the 40 year anniversary of the 1967 Referendum ” when 90 per cent of Australians voted to give Aboriginal people equal rights. It was an important step in our nation’s history and in granting Indigenous Australian the rights that they so […]

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Battle of the booze (Alcohol)

A shocking new report reveals just how much the grog is hurting us. Alcohol kills an average of one Indigenous Australian every 38 hours. This is the horrifying finding of a National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) report into alcohol-attributable deaths among Indigenous Australians. Researchers found that alcohol killed1145 Indigenous Australians between 2000 and 2004. The […]

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Our National Shame

Open letter urges ” let’s fix Indigenous health within 25 years. An open letter published in The Australian newspaper in December last year has called for an end to the national scandal in Indigenous health. Australia’s leading health, human rights, aid and development organisations have urged the Prime Minister John Howard, State Premiers, Territory Chief […]

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Senior Service

Remember our Elders ” they need our love, respect and care. Thanks to improved health care services and increased awareness of health issues, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are living for longer. With significant numbers of Indigenous Australians now reaching the age of 75, the Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) has highlighted the […]

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Head above water (Water Safety)

Water can be fun, but it can also be lethal. Keep your kids safe this summer. Being safe around water is important for all of us, but this is especially the case when it comes to young kids. In Australia, more kids die from drowning than from any other cause except illness. It’s also estimated […]

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Start Your Engines!

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. If you were starting out on a long car trip, would you head off with an empty fuel tank? Of course not! But many of us do start our day without the fuel we need to get through ” breakfast. The word “breakfast” is really […]

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Shake a Leg! (Activity)

Get up off the lounge, turn off the TV and get yourself moving ” your body will thank you for it. It’s a harsh truth ” as a society, we’re getting lazier. We drive everywhere instead of walking, we change the television channel with a remote control, we eat home delivered food instead of cooking, […]

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