
According to many Elders, gambling is destroying Aboriginal communities. Kooris have always gambled with each other as a social activity, however the money would always stay in the community. But it’s different now. The pokies take money from these communities and they never see it again. Many communities are impoverished enough as it is. They […]

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A Splashing Good Time

With the warmer days approaching, it won’t be long until we’re all heading down the local waterhole, river, creek, swimming pool or beach to cool off and unwind. The water can be loads of fun, no doubt about it! But it can also be dangerous. We need to be aware of the dangers and take […]

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Fruit and Nuts

Favourite summer squelchers! It’s summer again and all the fruits are ripe for the picking. Don’t waste time, there are so many fruity treats to taste and so many ways to enjoy them. They are a great source of many essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a wide variety of fruits and trying different kinds helps […]

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Flu Jab

Flu can be a killer. Winter is flu season and it’s on the way. Many people think that because flu is so common, that it’s not serious. But it is. The flu can really kill people. It can be a real problem if you’re in a high-risk group such as older people, people who already […]

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Stay Fit

Summer is the season most likely to separate the fit from the unfit. Sometimes all it takes is a swimming cossie to confirm this. Other times fitness means the difference between being able to run around and have fun or not. When the sun is out, the water cool and the sand toasty, who wants […]

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Football Injuries

Football is one of Australia’s most-loved sports. Being such a high-contact sport, football brings with it many player injuries. Injuries commonly associated with football occur to the head and the upper and lower limbs, as well as over-use injuries. Injuries common in rugby league and rugby union include those to the lower and upper limbs, […]

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Fuelled for footy

Australian Rules football is a popular sport, played by children from primary school age and upwards, at a variety of levels. It is a strenuous game and all players, amateurs and professionals alike, should take their diet and nutrition seriously if they want to perform at their best on the field. An AFL match lasts […]

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Ear Health

As the summer months settle in I’m sure most of you will be hitting the beach or the local pool. But beware, the easiest things to infect while you’re in the water are your ears! Ear infections are very common; each year one in 100 people consult a doctor with the problem. They often occur […]

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Diabetes is a condition that causes high levels of sugar in the blood stream. It is caused by problems with the hormone “insulin” which is produced by the pancreas. There are two types: non-insulin diabetes, which is treated by weight reduction, diet and use of drugs to increase insulin in your body; and insulin dependant […]

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Did you know that in any given year approximately one in 10 people will suffer from a depressive illness? Depression interferes with normal healthy functioning, affecting not only the sufferer but their family and friends as well. So if you think you might be depressed, don’t pretend nothing is wrong – there are ways of […]

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Concussion is a term used to describe a minor head injury, not usually life-threatening, and common to rugby league, rugby union and Australian Rules football players. Concussion is generally caused by either a direct blow to the head or from a sudden change in direction that causes the brain to hit against the inside of […]

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Winter Colds and Flu

Now that the colder months are setting in, it’s important to keep yourself healthy in order to prevent colds and flu. Staying healthy means keeping warm, drinking lots of water and of course eating healthy foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables. Another way to stay healthy is to take a daily multivitamin, vitamin C and […]

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A cataract is progressive clouding of the lens inside the human eye. First it goes yellow, then brown, and finally totally opaque (cloudy). Cataracts usually develop as part of the aging process. But they may also develop as a result of injury, certain diseases, medications or even our genes. Children and infants can be affected […]

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Caring for others

A lot of our people all around Australia are living with HIV/AIDS and other disabling diseases which can make it difficult to look after yourself on your own. When you can’t look after yourself properly, you need someone to care for you. This person is called a carer. AIDS in particular is a disease which […]

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Many people live in our communities with a disability, mental illness, chronic condition or are frailed or aged, making it difficult and sometimes impossible for them to look after themselves. These people need lots of support, love and assistance. This is when a carer steps in. A carer is someone who performs a wide range […]

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Wheelin’ Groovy

Bicycles and skateboards are a lot of fun, but they can be dangerous if you’re not sensible about riding them. Approximately 35 per cent of all bicycle accidents in Australia happen to children between the ages of five and nine who weren’t wearing a helmet!To stay strong and healthy, firmly buckle up your helmet every […]

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