New bill waters down Howard lease scheme
A bill was passed in federal parliament yesterday that will water down the Howard Governments controversial 99-year lease scheme for Aboriginal communities. The lease scheme was introduced by the coalition in the hope it would stimulate economic development in Northern Territory townships. The Tiwi Island township of Ngui however was the only community to sign […]
Protests mark intervention anniversary
The first anniversary of the Northern Territory intervention has been marked by protest in nine Australian cities. Among the protests was a call for the Federal Government to invest $1 billion to help fix problems in Aboriginal communities, and for a new national Aboriginal advisory body to be established. In Canberra, representatives from the Aboriginal […]
Voices from the inside
Indigenous people in three Victorian prisons will speak out in live radio broadcasts during NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week. Melbourne’s community radio station, 3CR 855AM, will conduct live radio broadcasts with Indigenous prisoners in Port Phillip Prison, Dame Phyllis Frost Centre and Fulham Prison. Part of 3CR’s Beyond the Bars project, […]
AMA opts out of NT intervention
The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has opted out of the Northern Territory intervention and blasted the federal government for relying on altruism to prop up the initiative. The news comes as Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT accused the AMA of profiting by about $150,000 under its current contract with the federal government, which expires on […]
Intervention review board unveiled
Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin has this afternoon unveiled the board that will review the controversial Northern Territory emergency intervention. Chair of the review board will be Peter Yu, a prominent West Australian Indigenous leader. Mr Yu was the long-time director of the Kimberley Land Council and has been a prominent rights campaigner for […]
Calls for sensible approach to native title
While there has been great success in native title in Western Australia, the government still has a “conceptual problem” with native title over areas such as cities or mining areas, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council CEO Glen Kelly said today. Mr Kelly was speaking in response to a speech by Deputy Premier, the […]
Powderfinger encourage action in schools
Kicking off National Reconciliation Week, Australia’s premier rock band Powderfinger today congratulated all Australian schools who have signed up for Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) and encouraged others to get on board. Visiting Lourdes Hill College in Brisbane, one of many Australian schools with a RAP, Powderfinger acknowledged the important role schools play in shaping better […]
Proof Positive
Positive Image Awards recognise the achievements of Western Australian students Six Indigenous students from Western Australia were recently named as District Ambassadors at the 2007 Positive Image Awards. The awards have been held for the past 10 years by the Western Australia Department of Communities Office for Youth in a bid to tackle negative perceptions […]
How’s Your Headspace?
Extra services mean more help for young people across Australia. The Federal Government has revealed its plans to establish 20 extra youth mental health centres across Australia to help in the prevention and early intervention of mental health and drug and alcohol problems among young people. The centres will be funded through Headspace, Australia’s national […]
SNAICC Chairperson blasts budget
SNAICC Chairperson, Muriel Bamblett, AM, said today that, “after raising expectations that they would do whatever it takes to the close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children the government has not made the necessary commitments to early learning and childcare. We need to close the gap between the pre election promises and the progress.” […]
Budget delivers $332.8 million toward Indigenous health
The Australian Government is investing $334.8 million towards closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation. Measures include $101.5 million extra funding for maternal and child health services. By addressing health issues early in life, these interventions can deliver significant progress in closing the gap. These initiatives include: an additional […]
New welfare card comes under fire
A welfare debit card is expected to be unveiled in Treasurer Wayne Swan’s first budget tonight and will contain only a portion of a family’s welfare payment. The card will restrict purchases to necessities such as food and clothing in a $17 million scheme aimed at cracking down on negligent parents. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd […]
Noongar claim back to square one
A West Australian and federal government appeal against the Noongar native title claim over Perth has been upheld by the full bench of the Federal Court. While the court did not go so far as to rule native title no loner existed over the city, the question has been referred back to the Federal Court […]
Health organisations to meet NSW Govt
Indigenous health organisations will meet with The Hon. Minister Paul Lynch, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Mr. Greg Aplin MP, Shadow Spokesperson for Aboriginal Affairs, at Parliament House on Thursday April 10 to encourage the NSW Government to release their plans and timeframes to achieve Indigenous health equality in line with the Close the Gap […]
Amend intervention legislation, says Calma
Indigenous leader Tom Calma has revealed a 10- point plan for the Government to improve the intervention in the Northern Territory after claiming the legislation must be substantially amended. In his fourth annual Social Justice Report, the Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice says that while he supports the intentions of the […]
The 1967 Referendum
Remembering the Referendum As a teenager, Esmai Manahan joined her father, mother and brothers in the fight to have Indigenous people recognised as citizens in their own country. Forty years on, Esmai reflects on one of the most remarkable and inspiring times in Indigenous political history. When Esmai Manahan looks back on her memories of […]
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